The SP-X 80 is a bolt-action Sniper Rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It is extremely strong, and its long-range performance shouldn't be underestimated. In fact, popular content creators like TheXclusiveAce have previously called it the best Sniper Rifle in-game. The weapon has a one-shot kill potential at over 80 meters of range, provided that the bullet hits the upper torso of the target.
However, the main attraction of the rifle is its handling stats. It has an ADS speed of 531ms, the fastest in its class. It is also one of the few Sniper Rifles in-game which can conveniently quickscope. Similarly, the mobility stats on the rifle are fantastic as well.
That said, this guide will take a look at the best SP-X 80 loadout in MW2, along with the best Perks, Equipment, and more.
Best SP-X 80 class setup in Modern Warfare 2

The SP-X 80 in Modern Warfare 2 is built for long-range engagements. Hence, if you use the weapon in your matches, you'll need a Secondary that can handle close-range encounters. For this purpose, you can pick the X13 Auto or the FTAC Siege full-auto pistol. They are extremely strong and can be used as an SMG as well.
Regarding the Equipment, it is generally advised to go with the Semtex and the Stun Grenade. You may also equip a Throwing Knife as your Lethal and Stim as your Tactical.
As for the Perk Package, you should pick Double Time and Battle Hardened as your Base Perks, Fast Hands as the Bonus Perk, and Ghost or High Alert as your Ultimate Perk.
Best attachments for the SP-X 80 in Modern Warfare 2

SP-X 80 in Modern Warfare 2 is near perfect for a Sniper Rifle. However, all guns in the game can be further enhanced with the help of attachments. They alter how they perform, and this can have a game-changing impact on the final outcome of a gunfight.
Keeping in mind the pros and cons of the Sniper Rifle, the following attachments are recommended:
- Barrel: 18.5" Bryson LR Factory
- Laser: FSS OLE-V Laser
- Optic: VLK 4.0 Optic
- Stock: PVZ-890 Tac Stock
- Rear Grip: Schlager Match Grip
18.5" Bryson LR Factory further improves the aim-down sight speed of the rifle. It also increases the hip fire accuracy.
FSS OLE-V Laser also increases the aim down sight speed. This attachment also improves the sprint-to-fire speed and stabilizes the aim.
VLK 4.0 Optic offers 4x magnification levels with a clean reticle. This is a great optic for MW2, where you'll rarely engage in fights over 100m. The 4x zoom is sufficient to see the targets clearly.
PVZ-890 Tac Stock is a mobility enhancer. It increases the sprint speed of the Operator when the weapon is equipped. Additionally, it also gives a boost to the aim down sight speed and the sprint-to-fire speed.
Schlager Match Grip also boosts the aim down sight speed and the sprint-to-fire speed.
How to unlock the SP-X 80 in Modern Warfare 2

Unlocking the SP-X 80 in Modern Warfare 2 can be a little complicated if you are not used to the Gunsmith 2.0's progression system. In fact, to obtain this Sniper in the game, you'll have to unlock three different weapons first.
Here's how you can get your hands on the Sniper Rifle in MW2:
- First, reach the Military Rank of Level 8 to unlock the SP-R 208.
- Now, level up the SP-R 208 to Level 13 to unlock the SA-B 50.
- Next, progress the SA-B 50 to Level 16 to unlock the LA-B 330.
- Finally, level up the LA-B 330 to Level 17 to unlock the Sniper Rifle.
Once obtained, it is advised to play a few matches with it and level up the weapon. This will unlock the various attachments suggested in this as well as slots for them.
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