Checkmate in Black Ops 6 is the eleventh and final mission in the Campaign. It’s a unique mission because it unfolds alongside Separation Anxiety, creating a split focus that can feel a bit complex for fans unfamiliar with Black Ops’ mind-bending missions. While the mission Separation Anxiety has its fair share of challenging moments, Checkmate is more straightforward and marks the true end of the game's campaign.
The mission centers around an interrogation: Harrow, who has been unmasked as the CIA mole and is being questioned by the team. However, as they dig into the details and why she betrayed them, the Pantheons launch a surprise attack on the Rook - the team’s base of operations - who are determined to rescue her.
Since Frank Woods is in a wheelchair, he presses on with the interrogation while Marshall, Case, Adler, Sev, and Felix gear up to defend The Rook (the base) from all the attacking Pantheon forces.
With the basics of the final mission out of the way, let us take a closer look into the mission “Checkmate” and how you can complete it easily.
Black Ops 6 Campaign mission "Checkmate" objectives
The Black Ops 6 Campaign mission "Checkmate" is quite straightforward and the objectives of the mission are as follows:
- Defend the base - The Rook - against the Pantheons.
- Don't let Harrow escape.
As seen from the objective list above, it is pretty straightforward and you shouldn't have an issue getting through them. That said, some sections of the mission will put your gunfight skills to the test, especially if you're playing on Hardened or the Veteran difficulty levels.
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Defending the Rook against the first wave
You start the mission as Case. As soon as the mission kicks off, follow Marshall and grab all the essentials from the table; weapons, ammo, equipment, shields, and more. Now follow Marshall to the front doors. Here you will find a lot of guns including Sniper Rifles, and Launchers. Keep them in mind, as you'll be needing them shortly.

Right out of the front gate, Marshall will ask you to plant a few C4s if you want to. Place them in appropriate places and try to avoid the three spots on the rocks where they are already planted.
Head back to the team. Once back in the compound, the Pantheons will throw a few Smoke Grenades and make their way in. Don't detonate the explosives yet. You must wait for the shield-carrying enemies to appear. Once they reach the explosives, blow them up.
You will have a host of different types of weapons and equipment at your disposal. Use them wisely to take out your enemies. Do note that there will be multiple enemies coming from different directions. Keep eliminating them.

Finally, an APC will appear. Remember the Launcher we talked about? Rush back, pick it up, and use it to take down the APC. It will take a couple of hits but will get the job done.
The mission will now switch to Separation Anxiety. However, we'll skip that as it's not a part of this mission.
Defending the Rook against the second wave (Detonation)
Now you'll be tasked with defending the backyard of the Rook against a horde of enemies coming from the jungle. There will be a couple of shielded or Elite Pantheons. Keep your distance from them and make sure to use equipment such as the RCXD and Homing Knife to take them out easily.

Once the enemies are dead, rush over to the shed in front of you and pick up the Sentries. Place them in the left and right flanks of the area. This will spawn another wave of foes and you have to take them down. After they are dead, two Juggernauts will spawn. You must rush back to the starting area of the second wave and fight them from cover.
After eliminating them, Woods will alert you that the Pantheons are inside the Rook. Follow Marshall and eliminate the enemies on your way. There will be a few gas grenades that will be thrown at you so make sure to remain in cover until the gas dissipates.
Finally, make your way to the front yard again to defend against the third wave of the Pantheons.
Help Felix detonate the bridge

Felix will suggest the idea of blowing up the bridge so that the enemies on foot can't reach the Rook. Take down the shielded enemies and push up with Felix to the bridge. Then, defend him from enemies as he plants the bombs. Once the bombs have been planted, Felix will try to run away but he gets shot in the foot. You must cover him and drag him back to safety.
This is followed by a cutscene of Harrow explaining to Frank everything he knows about the Pantheons' plans.
Stop Harrow from escaping (Black Sea)
Meanwhile, the Pantheons have breached Rook and taken Harrow with them. Frank tries but fails to stop them. It's up to Case now to end this menace. Kill the final wave of enemies as you make your way to the Rook. Once inside, help Marshall lift the blocking shelf. As soon as you and Marshall make your way to the other side, an RPG shot pins him down, and it's up to you to go and stop Harrow.

Sprint and make your way to the Helicopter. There will be a couple of enemies in the way but avoid them before jumping up to the helicopter. A Pantheon soldier will look down. Shoot him immediately. Harrow will now try to kick you off the helicopter, but you must press the Jump button to hold on to the heli. Press the Jump button again to mantle up and throw down the next soldier.
Now press the Shoot button to attack Harrow before she shoots you. Simply press the Melee button when prompted to hit Harrow. Case will pick the Cradle and smash it against her head, causing the gas to leak. This sends both of them into a frenzy.

Case appears to choke and kill Harrow, thus bringing the mission Checkmate to an end.
Read more: All Black Ops 6 Campaign rewards and how to get them
Checkmate is the final mission of the title's campaign and can be quite challenging for some players. It tasks you to defend against waves of enemies while progressing through the mission and learning more about Harrow.
Rewards for completing the mission Checkmate in Black Ops 6
Since the mission Checkmate in Black Ops 6 is tied with Separation Anxiety, you get the "The Cradle" Weapon Charm for completing them. There are no specific criteria to unlock this Weapon Charm or difficulty level requirements. As long as you finish the Campaign, the reward is yours to keep.
Check out the Black Ops 6 campaign walkthroughs of Sportskeeda: