It shouldn't come as a surprise for Call of Duty fans that Warzone has been in its worst state since its release back in 2020. Instances of cheating, bugs, and more, have made the experience poor for many. However, fans haven't given up on the game yet. Recently, a Call of Duty fan, who goes by the username django811 on Reddit asked the game's community what they would do to prevent the game from dying.
They posed the following question in the r/CODWarzone subreddit:
"What would you do to save Warzone?"
The post quickly garnered a lot of attention from passionate members, who shared their opinions on what they would do if they were in charge of the game.
The most top-voted comment by a fan mentioned only a few changes. However, it seemed to resonate with many in the community. According to the fan, if they were in charge of Warzone, they would implement the following changes:
"Outsource a proper anti-cheat. Invest in better network infrastructure. Balance the games inputs (lower AA strength, add a delay to it). Bring back all maps for all modes and let players choose which they want to play."
They stated that the first thing they would do is outsource the anti-cheat system. At the moment, the title uses the Ricochet anti-cheat system, which is an in-house one. However, over time it has been proven that the system is simply not good enough to shut down all cheaters. Despite numerous updates and kernel-level drivers, the software doesn't seem to do enough to properly prevent cheaters.
Then, they added that they would invest in better network infrastructure. Currently, Call of Duty servers are quite unstable, leading to issues such as packet bursts, or high latency spikes out of nowhere. Moreover, the servers run at lower tick rates in comparison to other shooters, making issues like desync a lot more common.
Third, they would balance the gameplay input devices and how they performed in the game. They would lower the strength of aim assist, which is often considered by many to be overpowered. Finally, they mentioned that they would bring all the maps that have been a part of the game and allow players to pick the mode that they want to play. Thus giving the player the choice of how they want to play Warzone.
This notion was well received by other fans in the community and they had a few similar ideas. A comment by dinzyy read:
"In this order: Better servers. Better anticheat. Remove 90% of the guns. Make it stand alone game. Add delay to AA."
According to them, if they were in charge, they would follow up with the updates in an order. They would start by improving the performance of the servers which as we discussed earlier aren't the best. Next, they would go for a better anti-cheat solution. Third, they would remove 90% of the weapons from the shooter. Fourth, if they could, they would make Warzone a stand-alone game and finally, nerf the aim assist mechanism.
For those unaware, Warzone currently hosts over 170 weapons, which makes weapon balancing a nightmare for developers and players. Hence, despite having a host of weapons to choose from, only a handful rule the meta, making the game feel stale. Since everyone uses the same weapons despite the variety, the experience quickly turns sour.
As for their idea of making Warzone a stand-alone game, it all stems from the issues the battle royale faces when a new Call of Duty launches and is integrated with it. This alters the gameplay mechanism almost every year and ruins the experience for a lot of players.
Several other comments poured in from the community, all proposing similar types of changes. However, a few fans didn't want to do anything with the title as it currently stands, and their idea of saving WZ was quite unconventional, to say the least.

Their idea to save the game was simple - reboot Warzone 1. Many in the thread stated that the game as is, has simply gone too far to be saved. There's nothing to be done here and instead, their solution was to reboot OG Warzone and start from there.
According to them, this simple move along with a couple of changes and updates to the original title would breathe life into the game. One of the changes that was highlighted throughout was the addition of an FOV slider, which was not available on the console versions of the game at its inception.
Hence, their solution was to restart with the OG title and add a couple of features such as an FOV slider, which would be enough to save the battle royale shooter.
Call of Duty fans discuss the changes they would make to save Warzone
Warzone isn't just suffering but dying. As it currently stands, the title is riddled with game-breaking bugs, glitches, server instability issues, and cheating. These have made it impossible for players to enjoy the game. Each update promises to improve the title but ends up breaking things at the end of the day.
Call of Duty promised that with Season 2, Warzone will improve. They promised a plethora of changes to improve the title and even mentioned that the focus on patches would lead to the removal of a lot of content that was initially planned for the title. The objective here was to delay content so that the game could be fixed.
Unfortunately, that never happened. Needless to say, the game has never been in a worse state since its release. Hence, online forums and social media platforms are always filled with players discussing changes that they would want in the title. All this in the hopes that developers take notice of these discussions and save their favorite battle royale.
Also read: Call of Duty finally acknowledges a major glitch in Black Ops 6 and WZ after 48 hours
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