Players are calling out Black Ops 6 for allegedly having pay-to-win weapon bundles. Recently, a fan took to Reddit to share gameplay footage that displayed them being eliminated by an enemy player. Their display was cluttered by the visual effects from the enemies' Halfpipe Handler weapon blueprint.
u/Sopiated deemed this Black Ops 6 weapon blueprint as pay-to-win as it causes visual clutter while firing. They said so because while it makes things difficult to see on the receiving end, it doesn't impair the person using the weapon blueprint.
They displayed their irritation with the pay-to-win bundles in Black Ops 6 by stating:
"Is this not pay to win? genuinely couldn’t see s**t."

Black Ops 6 player calls out in-game bundles as pay-to-win
The user u/Sopiated shared gameplay footage on Reddit, showcasing how certain bundles are pay-to-win. The footage displayed a kill cam featuring the Halfpipe Handler blueprint from the Snowtime Showtime tracer bundle. The bundle is being called out for giving an unfair advantage to players who are using it to cause visual clutter on their targets' screens.

u/CreamPyre reacted to the post, supporting the original poster. They said that Activision has filled the game with unwanted microtransactions and visual effects or weapons with tracer animations that are bad for the multiplayer experience.
"Micro-transactions have ruined this game. I can tolerate goofy skins but these ammo effects are bs and need to go."
Another user u/Dependent_Carob_9253 commented on the situation:
"I absolutely despise those skins too and refuse to buy anything from the store but if I had to get rid of one of them, it would be the goofy ammo effects. They should have left that garbage to Fortnite."
They mentioned that Activision has jumped on the microtransaction bandwagon by introducing unnecessary weapon bundles in the game. They also compared Activision's approach to Fortnite, which is known for having a big arsenal of cosmetics in their item store. The user specifically mentioned that the ammo effects and hit effects should be dealt with so that they don't become a nuisance in the game.
Another user u/mykiaisbad commented on the situation:
"Insane that this is the state of CoD right now... I remember playing the new MW and MW2 and my mind was blown, thinking the series was saved after the previous titles. MW3 was hot garbage, this is even worse."
The user displayed their frustration with the current state of Call of Duty and how the previous titles like Modern Warfare and MW2 were amazing in their time.
u/Rescue-Randy replied to the aforementioned statement:
"I got killed by this 2 weeks ago. I proceeded to quit and go right to uninstall. BO6 is a disgrace to call of duty. Call of duty will never reach the competitiveness of other First person shooters on the market."
The user mentioned how they faced a similar issue in the multiplayer lobbies and they were frustrated to the point that they uninstalled the game from their library. They even expressed concerns about Black Ops 6's competitiveness against other FPS games in the market.
User u/The_King_Chamou commented with a solution to the problem:
"You can turn these off with gore settings."
They mentioned a simple solution to the problem. To reduce visual clutter from weapon bundles, players can disable gore effects in the game. This can be achieved by navigating to the Account and Network settings and toggling off the options for Dismemberment and Gore Effects.
Several players expressed concerns about the impact of in-game bundles on the game's competitive balance. Many felt that the abundance of microtransactions, particularly those offering cosmetic items, detracts from the gaming experience.
The recent Snowtime Showtime bundle is a prime example of a problematic release that should have been carefully reviewed before being added to the game. This would have helped avoid any imbalance in the competitive environment.
Read more: What could be the next Call of Duty game after Black Ops 6?
For the latest Call of Duty news and guides, check out the articles below:
- "Fun always comes first" - COD developer explains why goofy skins will always be part of Black Ops 6
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