Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies was released with massive gameplay content, including a dedicated set of mastery camos for MW3 weapons, such as the Borealis skin. It is one of the most unique designs to be introduced as a progression cosmetic and is completely free to claim as long as you can complete the associated challenges. However, this item is available only for new weapons.
Modern Warfare 3 Zombies (MWZ) provides a mastery progression for all available weapons - be it new guns or MW2 carry-overs. The same applies to the multiplayer segment, where the weapons are divided into old and new and have two separate sets of cosmetics. However, due to the migration of MW2 content, the cosmetics collection in the new shooter is massive.
This article will highlight the most efficient way to get the Borealis mastery camo in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.
How to unlock the Borealis camo in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies

Follow the steps below to get the Borealis camo in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies:
- Launch the game and go to the Zombies mode.
- Select your gear and a mission before dropping into a fresh session.
- Once the spawn animation ends, move to the inner circles and prepare to battle tough monsters.
- You will need to have completed 36 weapon challenges for the Serpentinite camo before you can unlock the Borealis challenge.
- Thereafter, you will need to kill a dedicated number of high-class zombies to get the Borealis skin for the specific weapon in your loadout.
It is important to note that the Borealis mastery camo is available exclusively for MW3 weapons and cannot be equipped on any of those carried over from MW2. However, you can participate in the grind to unlock the new Zombies mode mastery skins for Modern Warfare 2 guns.
More details about the Borealis mastery camo

The Borealis camo is the final mastery skin currently available in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. It is a bright skin that seems to have drawn inspiration from the Northern Lights. It is also animated, making it rare in the game as it covers the entire body of the weapon it is equipped with. It has an interesting color theme that should easily catch one’s attention.
The mastery progressions are a great way to expand one’s cosmetics collection without having to spend an extra dime. However, it is quite tough and will need a bit of grinding.
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