The Feelings Unabridged camo in MW3 and Warzone is the final reward in the Emotional Overdrive event. It is a completely free unlock and all it asks of fans is to play the game and earn XP — It is that simple. As for the camo itself, it features a primary color tone of yellow, with a lot of different emoticons on the skin.
While it is an appealing camo, it doesn't feature any animations nor does it glow in the dark. Regardless, it is a beautiful camo that can be used with all the weapons in the title, including the Riot Shield.
In this guide, we'll take a closer look at how you can unlock Feelings Unabridged camo in MW3 and Warzone for free.
How to unlock Feelings Unabridged camo in MW3 and Warzone for free
To unlock the Feelings Unabridged camo in MW3 and Warzone for free, you must earn a total of 290,000 XP in the Emotional Overdrive event. The event offers a total of 10 rewards and the Feelings Unabridged camo is the final Mastery Reward in the event.

So, all you need to do is play the game, accumulate XP, and once you reach the 290,000 XP milestone, you'll unlock the camo. However, not everyone has the time to grind so much XP, considering that this is a limited-time event. Fortunately, there are a couple of tricks you can use to earn the required XP in the Emotional Overdrive event quickly.
You should start with the Weekly challenges. Currently, Week 8 is live, which can get you a total of 127,500 XP if you complete all the challenges for all the modes. You can also complete the Daily Challenges, which will earn you 7500 XP daily for each mode, totaling 22,500 XP per day.
Also read: How to unlock JAK Devastators Aftermarket Part in MW3 and Warzone

On top of that, if you equip the following Operator skins you'll earn an additional 2500 XP per match:
- Cursed
- Dead Inside and Out
- Tongue Out Guns Out
- Seeing Stars
If you use all the methods mentioned above, you'll earn 290,000 XP in no time and unlock the Feelings Unabridged camo in MW3 and Warzone for free. If you are still struggling to earn the required XP, you can always pop a Double XP token and effectively double all the XP earned in-game, allowing you to unlock the camo in half the time.
Read more: MW3 and Warzone Season 5 Week 8 challenges: Rewards and how to complete
That covers everything about getting the new Feelings Unabridged camo in MW3 and Warzone for free.
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