The golden Echo of Locked Diary is one of the prerequisites to unlock the new Dark Aether Rift in MW3 Zombies. Introduced with the Season 5 Reloaded update, this rift is part of the final story mission. Even after completing the mission, players can re-enter the rift, but certain steps must be followed to spawn and access the Dark Aether Rift portal.
The first requirement involves collecting four golden items: Mr. Peek, Echo of Locked Diary, Echo of Drums, and Echo of Giraffe Toy. This article will focus specifically on how to obtain the unique golden Echo of the Locked Diary item in MW3 Zombies.
How to acquire the golden Echo of Locked Diary in MW3 Zombies?
Acquiring the golden Echo of Locked Diary in MW3 Zombies is not directly possible. First, you need to obtain the purple version and then upgrade it to golden rarity.

To start, you must equip the Aether Blade, which can be crafted using the Aether Blade Schematic. If you already have the schematic, craft the blade. If not, you’ll need to enter the previous Dark Aether Rift and complete the contracts to obtain it.
Once you have the Aether Blade equipped, your objective is to eliminate five Mimics—special zombies that are not as common as others, making them harder to find.
After eliminating them, a reward rift will appear, granting you the purple rarity Echo of Locked Diary.
Also read: How to unlock the new Dark Aether Rift in MW3 Zombies Season 5 Reloaded
How to upgrade the purple Echo of Locked Diary into a golden rarity item

With the purple diary stowed inside your backpack, head to the extreme northwestern border of the Tier 2 Zone. Look for the massive eagle statue (refer to the image above for the precise location). Beneath the statue, you can mantle up to a small hole where you’ll find a zombie corpse that you can interact with.
Upon interaction, a few PhD Flopper Perk-a-Colas will spawn, and a yellow rift will appear nearby. Note that only players carrying the purple diary can access this rift.
When you interact with the rift, it will teleport you to the top of a massive chimney located in the Popov Power POI. From above, you’ll see several containers, but only one will have an eagle symbol. Your task is to drink the PhD Flopper, which prevents fall damage, and then land precisely on that specific container below. If successful, a reward rift will appear, leading to the golden Echo of the Locked Diary item.
Don’t worry if you miss the landing—you can keep trying. There’s a rift inside the chimney that will teleport you back to the top, allowing you to attempt the jump as many times as needed.
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