Counter UAVs can be highly effective in the harsh battlefields of Call of Duty: Warzone 2. It denies intel to enemies, which can turn the tides of the match. But, the feature was not available in the DMZ mode until recently. With the Season 4 update, Counter UAVs have finally appeared in DMZ. However, they are available only in the Vondel map at the moment, but once acquired, they can also be used in other maps.
Counter UAVs or Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles is a killstreak in Warzone 2. As the name suggests, they negate the effects of a UAV, which usually reveals the location of enemies in the vicinity. In DMZ especially, Counter UAVs can be game-changing. This guide will look closely at how players can get their hands on Counter UAVs in the new map Vondel and how to use it on other maps.
Where to find Counter UAVs in Warzone 2 DMZ?
As mentioned previously, Counter UAVs are available only on the new map of Vondel. Hence, you must first drop into Vondel and acquire it to use it in other Exclusion Zones. Usually, they spawn randomly as loot across the map, or you can find them in the Supply Drops.
Moreover, you can acquire them by eliminating the Bullfrog Boss. Unfortunately, Bullfrogs can enter the map at any place randomly and cannot be pinpointed to a single location on the run. However, when Bullfrog enters the map, the game will notify you of his arrival. A marker on the mini-map will show you his exact location on that particular run.
Once acquired, you can use it. This will create a blue circle on the map that shows the effective range of the Counter UAV. Inside this circle, all enemies' radars will be scrambled and devoid of crucial intel, such as your location or other markers. Even if they have a UAV turned on, its effects will be mitigated. This can be crucial if one tries to escape an enemy-infested location silently and quickly.
If you don't decide to use it right then and have it equipped, you can safely exfiltrate with it. Now, if you drop into other Exclusion Zones, such as Al Mazrah, with the Counter UAV equipped, you can also use it in those maps.
This is all there is to know about the addition of Counter UAVs in Warzone 2 DMZ and where to find them. Surprisingly, this addition wasn't covered in the patch notes, despite being a highly requested feature by fans.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 4 are live. The update is available on Windows PC (via and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.