Players have discovered a new Black Ops 6 glitch that blocks visibility on close-range optical sights with the XM4. When players equip a close-range optic such as the Merlin Mini, the Operator's thumb tends to obstruct a significant portion of the optic, restricting vision on the targets. Currently, this glitch can only be recreated on the XM4 Assault Rifle and does not affect other weapons in the game.
Read below to learn more about the new glitch and a possible workaround for it.
New Black Ops 6 glitch is causing visibility issues on the XM4
Close-range optical sights on the XM4 are currently bugged due to a new Black Ops 6 glitch. As mentioned earlier, when the glitch is active, the Operator's thumb comes in the way of the optic, hindering vision. This glitch can be replicated with all Operators in the game but is most prominent with the Front Man Operator skin, which can cover up nearly 50% of the optical sight.
To recreate the glitch in your game, you can equip a close-range optic such as the Merlin Mini or the Kepler Microflex on the XM4 Assault Rifle along with any Barrel of your choice. Then, you can head over to the Firing Range and see the glitch in action.
If you have the Front Man Operator skin, it's advised to equip it as it has the most drastic effect when it comes to limiting visibility.
Fortunately, there is a workaround to this glitch for now until Call of Duty addresses it. Check out the section below to learn more.
Also read: Cheaters can now reportedly disconnect other players in Black Ops 6 and Warzone
Workaround for the XM4 visibility glitch in Black Ops 6
The workaround for this Black Ops 6 glitch with the XM4 is pretty straightforward. All players need to do is equip an Underbarrel. That is it. This will resolve it for the time being.

When you equip an Underbarrel, the Operator's hand animation changes, causing them to put their hands on the grip instead of the Barrel. As a result, the thumb no longer obstructs the vision. You may refer to the image above to see the changes.
Read more: COD devs announce massive changes for the XM4 and PPSh-41 in Warzone
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