Call of Duty has temporarily disabled the Assimilation feature in Warzone 2 due to an ongoing exploit. An update was pushed this morning that removed the feature completely. According to third-party reports, users were abusing the feature to get a hold of the Damascus dog tag, which is highly sought-after at the moment due to it being one of the requirements to unlock the Serpentine camo.
Assimilation is a unique feature in Warzone 2 that first arrived with DMZ. It enabled players from different teams to combine forces and take on other enemies or tasks together. Thanks to proximity chat as well, the utility of the feature took off, creating an experience like never before seen in the series.
However, with the feature now disabled and the developers not clearly describing its reasons, fans are confused.
Why was Assimilation removed from Warzone 2?
As stated earlier, the exact reason for the removal of Assimilation from Warzone 2 is currently not known. Some players blame a bug that was preventing users from being revived. While others claim the reason to be the Damascus dog tag exploit.
However, these are merely speculations from third-party sources. Moreover, some of these claims don't add up, as the feature was removed from the Unhinged Solos mode only, not DMZ.
Unhinged Solos arrived in the game with the recent Season 5 Reloaded update. In this mode, players can join other solos and form a team with a maximum size of six players. In such cases, players with smaller teams of two to three stand no chance.
Hence, users who do not find other players to team up with are certain to lose. This made the game unfair for a few unlucky who were left out.
That said, with the news of the feature being removed, even DMZ players are now demanding it to be removed from the extraction-based mode as well. Although it promotes teamwork, the feature being exploited by others has led to it becoming unpopular with each passing day.
Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone's Season 5 Reloaded are now live. The update is currently available on Windows PC (via and Steam), Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.