Warzone is perhaps one of the most competitive FPS titles out there. The game requires appropriate mechanical skills and strategy for players to succeed. After the release of Season 2 Reloaded, Redditor u/RandomMooseNoises took to the platform to express how they feel about the game, which is perhaps too difficult for casual gamers now, in their opinion.
The user shared a detailed post titled:
"(Potentially) Unpopular Opinion: Warzone is no longer a fun game for casual gamers"
In the post, the user pointed out that the presence of "sweaty" players makes WZ unenjoyable. They believe that some players take the game too seriously, leaving little space for casual gamers to enjoy.
Agreeing with OP's take, u/gap toof_mouf shared their experience noting how the game is now frustrating. The user stated how playing WZ with friends was no longer a great option even though they thoroughly enjoyed playing in Verdansk in 2020:
"It’s pretty awful. My three friends and I have dropped down to the training wheels Warzone because it was just too frustrating. Two of my buddies are super casual players and just get fu*** fried in any BR mode that doesn’t have bots. We all thrived in Verdansk in 2020."
On the other hand, u/Economy-Scratch9515 pointed out that perhaps playing the game is only viable when you have a regular squad with you. Otherwise, you'd have to be really good at the game:
"Yeah, if you’ve not got a regular squad.. random squads are virtually impossible to catch dubs unless you’re an absolute demon"
u/YouBetrCechYourself opposed the OP's views and offered some simple advice. They asked the user to either improve their gameplay or let go of casual gaming, since WZ is an inherently competitive game.
Finally, u/RuggedTheDragon felt that it's more enjoyable to actually sweat in the game and put in effort to win matches. It engages them as a player and makes the overall experience interesting.
Warzone and the current major issues
The Warzone Season 2 Reloaded update was released on February 20, 2025. As revealed by the developers previously, the current focus is on releasing less content and making more improvements to the overall gameplay.

The recent update fixed many bugs related to combat and gameplay, UX/UI, Killstreaks, and overall game stability. However, in spite of this, the game still suffers from some known issues, glitches, and inefficiencies.
COD content creator TeeP recently discovered a bug that teleports players from one location to another. It was discovered after the recent update; therefore, perhaps the focus on QoL improvements is much needed.