Hollywood actor Luke Charles Stafford claimed on Facebook that he is playing the main character for Activision's Call of Duty 2024. The actor posted multiple images and videos of the shooting for the upcoming Treyarch title and revealed the protagonist's name. While the franchise has yet to confirm which Call of Duty is coming next year, Luke's post hinted towards a Black Ops title, as the previous leaks indicated.
Actor claims 'Ratcliffe' will be the main character for Call of Duty 2024
As the gaming behemoth has yet to confirm anything regarding the upcoming title, the actor's post revealed plenty of unknown information. For starters, we know that the main character's name in Treyarch's title is likely 'Ratcliffe.' Luke stated in his post:
"Activision decided to adapt their next main character, “Ratcliffe” for CALL OF DUTY off of my face/likeness, and I am elated. — To all of my college roommates back at Anderson University and those years in Smith Hall playing Black Ops II… Next year, we can beat the snot out of each other again, but I want to play as me."
Is Call of Duty 2024 set in Gulf War?
Previously, some of the leaks by data miner RealityUK suggested that the Call of Duty 2024 might set in during the Gulf War. As the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk image got unearthed within Warzone Mobile's game file, the community speculated the same.
According to Insider Gaming's speculation, the name 'Ratcliffe' might be based on a real-life British soldier named Peter Radcliffe, who served during the Gulf War. Peter Ratcliffe was a part of the British Army's Parachute Regiment, and he retired after thirty years of service with the rank of major.
While this theory might not be concrete, it adds more to the Gulf War setting speculation. Call of Duty 2024 is named project 'Cerberus,' and Treyarch Studios is developing it.