Call of Duty has added another new Warzone and MW3 update today, May 9, 2024. While the last update on May 8 focused on in-game bugs and errors, today's update in Warzone and MW3 has fixed some of the weapon balancing issues that players have been facing for a while. From Lockwood MK2's JAK Wardens Kit receiving a buff to brand new restrictions in Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play, there are small changes that players will see after this update.
Read on to learn about the entire patch notes for Warzone and MW3 May 9 update.
Warzone and MW3 May 9 patch notes
Here are all the changes to Warzone in this update:
Lockwood MK2 (MW2)
- JAK Wardens Conversion Kit
- Near-mid damage increased to 26, up from 25.
- Near-mid damage increased range to 8.1 meters, up from 6.4.
- Mid damage range increased to 20.3 meters, up from 16.3.
- Increased standing hip-fire spread minimum to 3.3deg/s, up from 2.3deg/s.
- Increased standing hip-fire spread maximum to 5.8deg/s, up from 5.5deg/s.
- .410 Gauge Slug Shells Ammunition (JAK Wardens)
- Added 21% standing hipfire spread minimum benefit.
- Added 21% standing hip-fire spread maximum penalty.
- Resolved an issue where damage values were not applying as intended.
- Max: 90 damage up to 7.6 meters
- Near-Mid: 80 damage up to 15.7 meters
- Mid: 70 damage up to 31.8 meters
- Min: 50 damage up to elimination
- .410 Gauge Ball Ammunition (JAK Wardens)
- Decreased standing hip-fire spread minimum benefit to 21%, down from 100%.
- Decreased standing hip-fire spread maximum benefit to 21%, down from 80%.
Here are all the changes in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer and Ranked Play:
- Resolved an issue causing Arcade mode weapons and powerups to be retained in other Playlists.
Weapons & Attachments
Marksman Rifles
- Lockwood Mk2
- JAK Wardens Conversion Kit
- Increased standing hip-fire spread minimum from 2.3deg/s to 3.3deg/s (+43%).
- Increased standing hip-fire spread maximum from 5.5deg/s to 5.8deg/s (+5%).
- .410 Gauge Slug Shells Ammunition (JAK Wardens)
- Added 21% standing hip-fire spread minimum benefit.
- Added 21% standing hip-fire spread maximum penalty.
- Increased bullet velocity from 168m/s to 420m/s (+150%).
- Decreased near-medium damage from 95 to 90 (-5%).
- Decreased near-medium damage range from 38.1m to 15.2m.
- Added medium damage range, 74 damage to 29.2m.
- Decreased minimum damage from 75 to 70 (-7%).
- Increased neck and upper torso damage multipliers from 0.6x to 1.1x.
- Increased lower torso damage multiplier from 0.6x to 1x.
- Increased arm and hand damage multipliers from 0.6x to 0.8x.
- Increased leg and foot damage multipliers from 0.5x to 0.8x.
The developer stated:
"Our goal for the .410 Gauge Slug Shells is to increase damage consistency in close-range engagements while simultaneously limiting the likelihood of kills at extreme distances by reducing damage range and increasing hipfire spread."
- .410 Gauge Ball Ammunition (JAK Wardens)
- Decreased standing hip-fire spread minimum benefit from 100% to 21%.
- Decreased standing hip-fire spread maximum benefit from 80% to 21%.
Ranked Play
- Restricted the Scratch 20-L Suppressor Attachment.
- Restricted the EMD Mine Equipment.
- Restricted the Enhanced Vision Goggles Field Upgrade.
Check out our other Warzone and MW3-related news and guides:
- How to unlock the JAK Atlas kit in Warzone and MW3
- Hare Raiser Part Pack in Warzone and MW3
- Lockwood MK2 meta loadout