The Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch is officially here. With the mid-season update, this title is seeing some exciting changes. From a brand new mobile vehicle POI on the Fortune's Keep map to the new Killstreak Bunker Buster, there is a lot to explore in this update.
If you want to learn about the complete Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch notes, the following section offers them.
Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch notes
Here are the complete Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch notes:
Fortune's Keep

- Research Vessel New Mobile Point of Interest
- A pontoon-style watercraft has appeared off the coast of Fortune’s Keep.
- This mobile POI stays on the move throughout the first two minutes of a match, before dropping anchor in one of a few predetermined locations.
- The ship features multiple levels as well as its own helipad and ascenders.
- Once you’re on the Research Vessel, it’s usually a great idea to commandeer the craft and utilize the equipment on board. You can:
- Exploring this craft includes a number of competitive advantages including:
- Access a decontamination station that works like the PDS
- An activatable UAV tower to monitor for opponents.
- Unique items purchasable from a special Buy Station.
- And more…
Vondel Battle Royale New Mode!
Here's what the developer said about this mode:
"Vondel now offers the beloved Battle Royale experience! With its unique map design and player count of 72, this mode brings fresh pacing and makes for a great addition for Battle Royale fans."
- Champion’s Quest
- Vondel Battle Royale will debut with its own version of Champion’s Quest!
- While the quest remains similar in nature, this version will come with it’s own unique elements:
- Gallium: Applies constant snapshot effect & HUD icon on nearby players.
- Deuterium: Impose fatigue on nearby players hindering core movements.
- Neptunium: Periodically electrocutes nearby players.
- Important notes:
- Victories on both maps will count towards Champion’s Quest progress.
- Successfully completing the mission will award players with the same items on both maps.

For information about future Playlists, you can check out the dedicated Warzone Trello Board.
New Weapons
- SOA Subverter Battle Rifle
- Chambered in 7.62, this hard-hitting rifle dominates at mid to longer ranges thanks to a low rate of fire and predictable recoil.
- Unlockable via Weekly Challenge.
- Soulrender Melee Weapon
- A ceremonial blade capable of razor-sharp cuts and deadly melee action in close-quarters combat.
- Unlockable via a set of challenges within the new mid-season Sector in the Season 2 Battle Pass.
New Aftermarket Parts
- JAK Backsaw Kit (Holger 556)
- Attach a high-capacity drum magazine to the Holger 556 alongside a double-barrel configuration allowing the weapon to fire two bullets at a time.
- JAK Outlaw-277 Kit (BAS-B)
- Transform the BAS-B into a lever-action rifle, slowing its rate of fire while massively improving its accuracy for pinpoint precision.
General Adjustments
- Upon aiming down sight, the crosshair will now transition directly to the center of the player’s screen rather than easing into position.
Here's what the developer had to say about this alteration:
"This change continues our improvements to the precision and responsiveness of aiming in Modern Warfare III and Warzone. Please continue to share your feedback and look for further changes in future game updates."
Weapon Adjustments
» Assault Rifles «
- Near-Mid Damage increased to 26, up from 24 after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Mid Damage increased to 23, up from 19.
- Holger 556 (MWIII)
- Max Damage increased to 38, up from 35.
- Max Damage Range increased to 36.83 meters, up from 33.02.
- Near-Mid Damage set to 34. New Variable
- Near-Mid Damage Range set to 45.72 meters. New Variable
- BP50 (MWIII)
- Max Damage decreased to 28, down from 30.
- Near-Mid Damage decreased to 26, down from 28.
- Increased minimum hipfire spread to 2.4deg/s, up from 2.2deg/s after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Increased maximum hipfire spread to 6.7deg/s, up from 6.3deg/s.
- Increased tactical stance spread to 2.9deg/s, up from 2.8deg/s.
- Increased aim down sight time to 230ms, up from 220ms.
- Decreased aim down sight movement speed to 3m/s, down from 3.4m/s after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Increased horizontal recoil to 15.6deg/s, up from 10.6deg/s.
- Decreased vertical recoil to 42deg/s, down from 44.4deg/s.
- Forbearer Heavy Stock
- Increased recoil gun kick benefit to 16%, up from 11%.
- Moat-40 Stock
- Decreased aim down sight time benefit to 2%, down from 7%.
- SVA 545 (MWIII)
- Decreased sprint to fire time to 189ms, down from 210ms.
- Decreased aim down sight time to 230ms, down from 250ms.
- Ram-7 (MWIII)
- Max Damage Range decreased to 26.67 meters, down from 33.02.
» Battle Rifles «
- MTZ 762 (MWIII)
- Max Damage decreased to 40, down from 42.
- Min Damage decreased to 32, down from 34.
- Neck Damage Modifier decreased to 1.1x, down from 1.3x.
- Lower Torso Damage Modifier decreased to 1x, down from 1.1x.
- Head Damage Modifier decreased to 1.2x, down from 1.3x.
- Near-Mid Damage Range decreased to 40.64 meters, down from 44.7.
- JAK Heretic Carbine Kit
- Decreased horizontal recoil to 9.4deg/s, down from 11.9deg/s after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Increased vertical recoil to 47.9deg/s, up from 47.1deg/s.
- Bas-B (MWIII)
- JAK Outlaw-277 Kit
- Increased gun pushback ADS scale to 3.2, up from 2.
- Increased camera pushback scale to 5, up from 1.4
- Sidewinder (MWIII)
- Decreased recoil intensity during sustained fire slightly.
- A90 Venom Stock
- Decreased recoil gun kick penalty to 5%, down from 16% .
- RB Rapidstrike Grip
- Increased aim down sight time benefit to 11%, up from 9%.
- Decreased recoil control penalty to 4%, up from 10%.
» SMGs «
- JAK Ettin Double Barrel Kit
- Bullets are now fired in a vertical column rather than a randomized spread.
- Speedway v5 Short Barrel
- Decreased aim down sight speed penalty to 10%, down from 15%.
- Increased recoil gun kick benefit to 9%, up from 4%.
- Increased recoil control benefit to 12%, up from 8%.
- FSS Imperator Light Barrel
- Increased bullet velocity benefit to 20%, up from 15%.
- Increased damage range benefit to 20%, up from 12%.
- Boreal-6C Suppressed Barrel
- Decreased damage range penalty to 12%, down from 20%.
- Decreased bullet velocity penalty to 12%, down from 20%.
- Decreased minimum standing hipfire spread to 1.8deg/s, down from 2deg/s.
- Decreased maximum standing hipfire spread to 5.6deg/s, down from 6.2deg/s after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Decreased tactical stance spread to 3.1deg/s, down from 3.4deg/s.
- Rival 9 (MWIII)
- JAK Headhunter Carbine Kit
- Near-Mid Damage Range increased to 45.72 meters, up from 33.02.
- PDSW 528 (MWII)
- Improved alignment of the default iron sight optic.
» Shotguns «
- Lockwood 680 (MWIII)
- Barrel Attachments
- Damage pellet count now remains at 6, regardless of ammo capacity.
» LMGs «
- Bruen MK9 (MWIII)
- Lower Torso Damage Modifier increased to 1.1x, up from 1.05x.
- Decreased aim down sight time to 410ms, down from 450ms.
- Increased movement speed to 4.4m/s, up from 3.9m/s .
- Increased crouch movement speed to 2.1m/s, up from 1.6m/s.
- Increased tactical sprint speed to 6.4m/s, up from 6.3m/s.
- Increased aim down sight movement speed to 2.4m/s, up from 1.9m/s after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Pulemyot 762 (MWIII)
- Increased strength of aim down sight idle sway after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Jak Annihilator Bullpup Kit
- Decreased bullet velocity to 660m/s, down from 760m/s after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
» Sniper Rifles «
- XRK Stalker (MWIII)
- Decreased aim down sight time to 580ms, down from 610ms after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Decreased aim down sight time to 720ms, down from 760ms after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- SPX -80 (MWII)
- Increased aim down sight time to 570ms, up from 545ms after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
» Handguns «
- Renetti (MWIII)
- JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit
- Max Damage increased to 36, up from 33 after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Min Damage increased to 28, up from 25 after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- COR-45 (MWIII)
- XRK IP-V2 Conversion Kit
- Increased bullet velocity to 600m/s, up from 525m/s after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Near-Mid Damage Range increased to 15.24 meters, up from 11.43 after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- 9mm Daemon (MWII)
- Daemon Hand Rear Grip
- Added missing Pistol Fastdraw benefit.
» Wonder Weapons «
- Wunderwaffe DG-2
- Splash damage increased to 100, up from 75 after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Increased Projectile Explosion Radius to 64, up from 50.
- Increased Projectile Speed to 101.6m/s, up from 50.8m/s after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Players directly impacted by the Wunderwaffe DG-2 are no longer forced to fire.
- Allowed Tick Damage effect to stack
- Adjusted ADS & Hipfire Sway.
- Fixed an issue with ADS FOV when exiting ADS after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
» Attachments «
- Underbarrel Launchers
- Addressed an exploit that allowed players to fire unlimited projectiles.
- JAK Limb Ripper
- Increased movement speed while revving by 25%.
- Increased damage range to 1.4 meters, up from 1.1.
- Audio Improvements
- Boosted Ascender distance by 16ft.
- Boosted Parachute distances 100ft.
- The overall volume of reviving a teammate has been slightly increased.
- A new, unique sound has been added for reviving a player so that it is significantly more noticeable to nearby players.
- Reviving a teammate using a medic vest now has a unique audio cue that players within a small radius can hear. Quality of Life
- Final Elimination Cam
- A killcam has been added to showcase the final elimination of each match across most modes excluding Lockdown and Plunder.
- Resurgence Combat Records
- Stat tracking has been enabled for Resurgence.
New Features
All Maps | All Modes
- Personal Decontamination Station New Field Upgrade
- Similar to a Trophy System, the PDS is thrown out and creates a zone of approximately 6 meters that will protect players from most sources of gas.
- The safe zone will last for a maximum of 15 seconds or until it is destroyed.
- Duration reduced by 50% in the final two circles.
- Buy Station Secondary Weapons
- Players will now be able to access their Secondary Weapons in the Buy Station via a dedicated tab.
Fortune’s Keep | Resurgence
- Bunker Buster New Killstreak
- Breach fortified areas with a penetrating gas-loaded missile to flush out concealed threats.
- This killstreak will blast through up to 3 floors, causing radial damage and leaving a column of gas that will last 25 seconds.
Adjusted Features
All Maps | All Modes
- Pre-Match Lobby Loadouts Quality of Life
- Players can now instantly swap loadouts in the pre-match lobby rather than having to respawn with the new selection after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Looting Improvements Quality of Life
- Significant improvements have been made to the top and bottom shelf auto looting system.
- Players can now expect a more consistent and predictable auto pick up range for loot that is both above and below the player’s current height / level after Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update.
- Audio Improvements
- The overall volume of reviving a teammate has been slightly increased.
- A new, unique sound has been added for reviving a player so that it is significantly more noticeable to nearby players.
- Reviving a teammate using a medic vest now has a unique audio cue that players within a small radius can hear. Quality of Life
- Backpack Auto Refill Quality of Life
- Field upgrades, killstreaks, tactical and lethal equipment will now auto equip if identical items are found in the backpack.
- If not, the next closest, non-identical item will auto equip.
- Redeploy Pack Flare Quality of Life
- A flare will now appear when players respawn via a redeploy pack.
- Minimap Vehicles
- Increased the distance at which enemy vehicles will appear on the minimap by 10 meters.
- All Maps | Resurgence
- Most Wanted Time
- Reduced Most Wanted Contract Time in Resurgence Game modes to 3 minutes instead of 4.
- Fortune’s Keep | Resurgence
- Loot Adjustments
- Killstreak spawns have been reduced by approximately 30%.
- A maximum of 1 killstreak will spawn in base and legendary caches.
- Supply boxes will now spawn more Armor Plates.
- Urzikstan | Plunder
- Cash Deposit Improvements
- Interacting with the cash deposit helipad will take priority over any loot that may be overlapping.
» Lethal Equipment «
- Throwing Knives
- Damage reduced to 175, down from 200.
- The throwing knife will one-shot with impacts to the head or if used on a downed player.
- Frag Grenade
- Mid Damage reduced to 155, down from 200.
- Outer Damage reduced to 110, down from 175.
- Battle Rage
- Removed a reference in the Battle Rage description about quickly regenerating health.
» Tactical Equipment «
- Stun Grenade
- Resolved an issue causing the movement reduction effect to be removed upon sprinting.
- EMD Grenade
- Added additional UI elements to better communicate when an enemy is tracked.
- Tracked enemies will now appear as a constant ping on the minimap.
- Players can no longer die unexpectedly when an EMD is thrown at vehicles or doors.
» Perks «
- Quick Fix
- Minor update to the description and sub-description text.
Warzone Ranked Play: Resurgence Restrictions
- Optics
- All Thermal Optics are now restricted as previously intended.
Earning SR
- Final Placement SR has been adjusted to the below values.
- Top 12: 15 SR
- Top 8: 30 SR
- Top 5: 50 SR
- Top 3: 60 SR
- Victory: 100 SR (Unchanged)
- Proximity chat has been disabled.
- Exfil Player Card
- Players can now see their player card, which includes emblems and their gamer tag, in the exfil cinematic.
- Deployable Buy Station Icons Quality of Life
- Icons for Deployable Buy Stations will now show above other icons on the tac map for better visibility/legibility.
- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Fortune’s Keep allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent a new weapon from appearing in the backpack inventory if it was picked up while replacing armor plates.
- Fixed descriptions on some tactical equipment to match their exact functionality.
- Fixed several interface issues when a player respawns after dying near the end of a Jailbreak public event.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Bomb Drones to down friendly players.
- Fixed an issue causing several ground loot Ram-9 rarities to be missing an attachment.
- Fixed an issue where end of match names were scrolling from too low on the screen.
- Fixed an issue allowing Players to duplicate equipment.
- Fixed an issue preventing Players from spawning after using the Rejoin feature in Resurgence modes.
- Fixed an issue causing the backup pistol to get stuck when using a killstreak.
- Fixed an issue allowing Players to duplicate Plate Carriers.
- Fixed an issue causing a crash when attempting to use the Rejoin feature.
- Fixed an issue causing custom Perk Packs to disappear when attempting to stow them.
- Fixed an issue causing the Player to not appear on the minimap for teammates after a Jailbreak occurs.
- Fixed an issue allowing Players to keep the backup pistol out of the water.
That is all there is to know about Warzone Season 2 Reloaded patch update. Check out our other Warzone Season 2 Reloaded guides -
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