Chennai Grand Masters is all set for its second edition, which is scheduled to be held in Chennai starting on Monday, November 5. In the inaugural edition, Gukesh D emerged victorious. The Indian Grandmaster gained some important FIDE circuit points, made it to the FIDE Candidates, and ultimately won the title. The campaign will be played in classical chess format.
The average rating for Chennai Grand Masters 2024 is 2729. The competition will have seven rounds. The Masters will comprise World No.3 and India’s No. 1 Arjun Erigaisi, Levon Aronian, Maxime Vachier Lagrave, Vidit Gujrathi, Parham Maghsoodloo, Alexey Sarana, Amin Tabatabaei and Aravindh Chithambaram.
Notably, the second edition will have a new Challengers category with the winner making the cut for the Masters category in the third edition. Raunak Sadhwani, Abhimanyu Puranik, Karthikeyan Murali, Leon Mendonca, Pranav V, Pranesh M, Harika Dronavalli, and Vaishali R are part of the Challengers category.
Chennai Grand Masters 2024: Full Schedule and Match Timings (All Timings in IST)
Monday, November 4
Opening Ceremony, 8:00 PM
Tuesday, November 5
Round 1, 3:00 PM
Wednesday, November 6
Round 2, 3:00 PM
Thursday, November 7
Round 3, 3:00 PM
Friday, November 8
Round 4, 3:00 PM
Saturday, November 9
Round 5, 3:00 PM
Sunday, November 10
Round 6, 3:00 PM
Monday, November 11
Round 7, 1:00 PM
Closing Ceremony, 7:00 PM
Chennai Grand Masters 2024: Indians in action
Masters: Arjun Erigaisi, Vidit Gujrathi & Aravindh Chithambaram
Challengers: Raunak Sadhwani, Abhimanyu Puranik, Karthikeyan Murali, Pranav V, Pranesh M, Harika Dronavalli & Vaishali R
Chennai Grand Masters 2024: Prize money
Total Prize Money: ₹50 lakh
1st place: ₹15 lakh
2nd place: ₹10 lakh
3rd place: ₹8 lakh
4th place: ₹5 lakh
5th place: ₹4 lakh
6th place: ₹3.5 lakh
7th place: ₹2.5 lakh
8th place: ₹2 lakh
Total Prize Money: ₹20 lakh
1st place: ₹6 lakh
2nd place: ₹4 lakh
3rd place: ₹3.2 lakh
4th place: ₹2 lakh
5th place: ₹1.6 lakh
6th place: ₹1.4 lakh
7th place: ₹1 lakh
8th place: ₹80k
Chennai Grand Masters 2024: Telecast & Live-Streaming Details
ChessBase India YouTube Channel will live stream all rounds of the Chennai Grand Masters 2024 campaign. However, there’s no live telecast of the competition for fans in India.