During November Chennai will be the focus of global attention as local hero and World Champion of seven years, Vishy Anand faces a challenge for his chess crown from the young Norwegian with smouldering movie star good looks, Magnus Carlsen. Ranked world number one at just 22 years old, Carlsen has already achieved celebrity status across the globe, appearing in US Time magazine’s list of 100 most influential people and in the UK debuting on a list of the sexiest men of 2013. Judging by the pop star reception he received during his summer visit to India, Carlsen will have a loyal fan base here during the Championship match, despite Anand’s home advantage.
Vishy Anand will always be a respected role model, but Magnus Carlsen is a role model for a new generation with his ‘smart is cool’ persona that has drawn A-list attention too. He now counts global superstar rapper Jay-Z as a fan.
Chess is on the cusp of a new era, set to reignite global audiences and inspire a new generation and ambitious children will want to play with the same chess set as Magnus Carlsen.