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A win for Magnus Carlsen in game 2 of the 2014 WCC match. Score now 1.5 to 0.5 in favour of Carlsen. 10 games to go. #CarlsenAnand #chess
— Ian Robinson (@IanRobinson) November 9, 2014
As much as I've been an Anand-Fan, I totally agree with @SusanPolgar: Vishy, once again, has wrong match strategy in #CarlsenAnand 2014.
— Daniel Rensch (@DanielRensch) November 9, 2014
Stunningly Abrupt end to the match. Enthralling! The post match conferense is going to be fun to watch. Hah! #CarlsenAnand
— Asimulator (@asimplify) November 9, 2014
All said and done, hyper-classy, super skilled, quietly deadly, brutally elegant win by Magnus today. #CarlsenAnand #Mozartofchess
— Jonathan Rowson (@Jonathan_Rowson) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand h5 was a suicide. 1-0
— Arun.J (@arunjchess) November 9, 2014
Ouch. #CarlsenAnand
— Anish Giri (@anishgiri) November 9, 2014
Time pressure killed it. This one move will haunt Anand. But the rest day should help, & Vishy will go for a win with whites. #CarlsenAnand
— Kumar Luv (@KumarLuv) November 9, 2014
h5??? tiredness for @vishy64theking already? shame #CarlsenAnand
— Matthew Parsons (@chessmatty) November 9, 2014
It is over. Vishy resigned after Qb7 1-0 #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
1-0 #CarlsenAnand RT @gmjlh: The wall has fallen!
— ChessVibes (@ChessVibes) November 9, 2014
All over.... 1 - 0 ... Sigh #CarlsenAnand
— prashanth (@RFed1) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand Anand has blundered
— Andrew Szép (@SaschaBenny) November 9, 2014
Anand, tired of suffering, decides to lose immediately. #CarlsenAnand
— Dan (@Nimzowiccan) November 9, 2014
no way he just played h5????? #CarlsenAnand
— Matthew Parsons (@chessmatty) November 9, 2014
30...Rb4 and now Magnus can once again proceed with 31 Re7 to control the 7th rank, as well as the e file. Deadly combo #CarlsenAnand
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
RT @FabianoCaruana: This is very nasty for black. And exactly the type of position where Carlsen is at his most ruthless. #CarlsenAnand
— Tiger Lilov (@tigerlilov) November 9, 2014
Can't dream of criticising Magnus' technique, but it looks very unnatural, his last few moves. #CarlsenAnand
— Jonathan Tisdall (@GMjtis) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand Alekhine's gun is locked and loaded. But Anand has found some activity.
— Don Britt (@Britt_dj) November 9, 2014
Maybe b5 is a bluff, but it's better to die fighting than to live suffer and without any hope. #CarlsenAnand
— Saulvimovich (@RealSaulvimovic) November 9, 2014
Lifeline thrown for Vishy with 30 bxa4?! #c24live #CarlsenAnand
— Tejasvi Mohanram (@tejasvimohanram) November 9, 2014
After b3 ba ba played. The good news is that Black has equal material. The bad news is that White is positionally dominating. #CarlsenAnand
— Jonathan Rowson (@Jonathan_Rowson) November 9, 2014
If 29... c4 30. axb5 f3 31.Qxc4 Qxb5 32. g4 Qxc4 33. Rxc4 and white is winning #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
After 29.b3 bxa4 looks interesting (as well as 29...f3 since the pawn is a goner anyway), as Black simplifies the position. #CarlsenAnand
— Yelena Dembo (@yelenadembo) November 9, 2014
Carlsen is on his way to score his first win today...Anand is doing his best...Can Anand save this game? #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Chess Knights India (@chessknights) November 9, 2014
Cannot imagine a scenario that Magnus doesn't win. Looks very easy now, e-file control, material adv., Anand passive. #CarlsenAnand
— Akshat Chandra (@QuestToGM) November 9, 2014
b5!? is a good try. If it loses, it loses, but he has zero chance of survival if he just sits there doing nothing #CarlsenAnand
— Nigel Short (@nigelshortchess) November 9, 2014
b5 is great counter play yet Carlsen is very strong on the e file, it might not be enough #CarlsenAnand
— Alptroloji (@erdemlialp) November 9, 2014
Anand's position is simply collapsing. Tea prices will drop. #CarlsenAnand
— Claudia Munoz (@chesscampeona) November 9, 2014
Self-destruction from Anand in #CarlsenAnand today. Barring a Carlsen blunder I see 1-0 after this game.
— Dante S (@DanteChess) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand #c24live Anand's position on board as well as on clock looks grim
— Ramkrishna (@r_kash1) November 9, 2014
Anand knows he is lost, just can't resign! #CarlsenAnand #nrksjakk
— Y. Khachatourian (@YerazikSK) November 9, 2014
I am sorry to say but it is nearly impossible for Anand to save this game. He dugged himself too big of a hole #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
Omg Rf8???? Carlsen totally driving this train #CarlsenAnand
— Alexis Sanchez (@lnkaguta) November 9, 2014
Magnus piling the pressure on now - and 14 moves for Vishy in 19 minutes. This could get ugly. #CarlsenAnand
— Craig Harrison (@Dscaper) November 9, 2014
It is quite curious why Anand allowed himself to be in trouble again. This is again self inflicted just as in the first game #CarlsenAnand
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
Will be surprised if Carlsen doesn't win this now. #CarlsenAnand
— Sagar Sriramagiri (@sagarch) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand This is what masters from begining of XX century felt playing this finals vs Capablanca. Carlsenblanca!
— Silvio Rico Cruz (@SilvioRicoCruz) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand reminds "This is de kind of position, which instead of defending against Karpov, one could consider Suicide" @nigelshortchess?
— Venkat Saravanan (@reachvsara) November 9, 2014
Anand will suffer from now on with Carlsen in his element, it's hard to defend this position for some hours. #CarlsenAnand
— Andrea Bronstering (@kontexterin) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand This is how it is right now . Carlsen #likeaboss pic.twitter.com/BLsm6otMq4
— prashanth (@RFed1) November 9, 2014
Playing vs MC is like fighting cancer.You must watch for slowsqueeze,recurrences after equalizing as well as sudden metastases.#CarlsenAnand
— Andrija Djuranovic (@andrijadj) November 9, 2014
Only 2 results now - Magnus win or a draw. If this pattern continues for whole match, it'll be a shorter WC than we hoped. #CarlsenAnand
— Craig Harrison (@Dscaper) November 9, 2014
Vishy has to play 17 precise moves in the next 34 mins! Tough #CarlsenAnand
— Dilip Vamanan (@dilipvamanan) November 9, 2014
This is a very unpleasant endgame for black. The question is would this be enough for white to win? #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
Oh look, another major piece endgame where Anand is worse. #CarlsenAnand
— Dan (@Nimzowiccan) November 9, 2014
Vishy has exactly fallen into kind of must-be-avoided-position he'd have aimed in his 6 months of preparation #CarlsenAnand #VishyInTrouble
— Venkat Saravanan (@reachvsara) November 9, 2014
Everything backfiring for Vishy #CarlsenAnand2014 #CarlsenAnand white seems to be rolling. Hard to stop Magnus now. #onesidedgame
— Vishal Sareen (@vishalsareen) November 9, 2014
Yet again another bad pawn structure for Vishy #CarlsenAnand
— Chess India Network (@ChessIndiaNet) November 9, 2014
Somehow the attack paid off. A serious risk free pressure for Magnus now.. So far he is clearly dictating the terms. #CarlsenAnand
— Anish Giri (@anishgiri) November 9, 2014
Things looks very bleak for Madras Tiger #finger crossed #CarlsenAnand
— Abhijeet Gupta (@iam_abhijeet) November 9, 2014
Now with the light pieces having disappeared White can swing to put positional pressure. Fits ideally to Magnus' chess. #carlsenanand
— Andrea Bronstering (@kontexterin) November 9, 2014
Again, Carlsen has maneuvered into a slightly better endgame. Vishy is going to have to avoid these positions. #CarlsenAnand
— Poisoned Pawn Press (@PoisondPwnPress) November 9, 2014
A genius at work #CarlsenAnand pic.twitter.com/yc1SuIygQy
— Darren Potter (@Darpots) November 9, 2014
End game on now...Vishy in a bit of bother! Can he get through this? #anandcarlsen2014 #CarlsenAnand
— Shiva Susarla (@TheSusarla) November 9, 2014
Looks more like a Magnus style game now. #CarlsenAnand
— James Rothwell (@ChessStudy) November 9, 2014
21. exf5 Now black has two options: 21...Nf4 or 21...Nf8. Both are OK. White has a better endgame here #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
Hmmm looks like Black doesn't have any counterplay and f4 is quite weak. Also, white has the e-file to play on. #CarlsenAnand
— Yelena Dembo (@yelenadembo) November 9, 2014
Now carlsen looks lot better then a couple of moves ago #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14 #c24live
— Yohanna Shavit (@yohashavit) November 9, 2014
Magnus is like a pressure cooker. White is looking good. I wouldn't feel comfortable either, if I were Vishy. #CarlsenAnand
— Ella Zwart (@_cyberella) November 9, 2014
I'm following #CarlsenAnand on one IPad, tweeting on another, ATP WTFs on the big screen. The 21st century rocks!
— Andrew Burton (@burtonad) November 9, 2014
Probably 20...Kh8 was best, but it wasn't really a "human" move... Now though, White gets the e4-square for the 2nd Rook.#CarlsenAnand
— Yelena Dembo (@yelenadembo) November 9, 2014
The engines suggest Kh8, but if there is one tiny hole in your calculations, you can resign after a committal move like that #CarlsenAnand
— Nigel Short (@nigelshortchess) November 9, 2014
Carlsen again taking Vishy down lines that demand best-moves from Vishy. #razorsedge #CarlsenAnand
— Craig Harrison (@Dscaper) November 9, 2014
Vishy is a picture of concentration. He's treading a fine line here. Live: http://t.co/nLzYiU7BbK #CarlsenAnand pic.twitter.com/v0LJF4FaVt
— Ashish Magotra (@clutchplay) November 9, 2014
Very serious defensive calculation now required by @vishy64theking . Lots of pressure. #CarlsenAnand
— Nigel Short (@nigelshortchess) November 9, 2014
I did not expect this kind of attack by Carlsen. #CarlsenAnand
— portih (@portisdos) November 9, 2014
20. Bh6 gxh6 21. Rxg6+ hxg6 22. Qxg6+ Kf8 23. Qxf6+ Qf7 24. Qxh6+ Ke8 25. Qh8+ Qg8 26. Qxe5 #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14 Crazy line :)
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
I'll be scared stiff after Bh6 here. Then again, I am not Anand :) #CarlsenAnand
— Andrija Djuranovic (@andrijadj) November 9, 2014
Starting to get a little unpleasant for Anand. He is under some pressure. #CarlsenAnand
— Nigel Short (@nigelshortchess) November 9, 2014
19.Rg3 Probably looking a #KeyMoment of #CarlsenAnand. Probably defendable, Vishy has to withstand pressure of conjurable attack in horizon
— Venkat Saravanan (@reachvsara) November 9, 2014
I doubt the psychological attack will work on confident Vishy, but the game could nevertheless get unbalanced and 2edged... #CarlsenAnand
— Anish Giri (@anishgiri) November 9, 2014
Vishy playing more convincingly today. He plays better with black pieces against Carlsen #CarlsenAnand #CarlsenAnand2014 #anandcarlsen2014
— Chess India Network (@ChessIndiaNet) November 9, 2014
Just another of Carlsen´s curious ways to think during a game of #chess #CarlsenAnand #c24live pic.twitter.com/ejNlkTA45s
— Chess_Enthusiast (@EnthusiastChess) November 9, 2014
18...Be6 Vishy not wanting to simplify too early, and deciding on it fast. His attitude here so much better than last year. #CarlsenAnand
— Kumar Luv (@KumarLuv) November 9, 2014
Strange move. I thought Ne6 was better as now after Rg3 and Bh6 Black has to play g6 which weakens f6. #CarlsenAnand
— Yelena Dembo (@yelenadembo) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand Very interesting game, as you can see. Gotta love it! pic.twitter.com/rHS1l3kJ16
— Bueno New Chess (@BuenoNewChess) November 9, 2014
It is a common plan though - to try to attack when there are opposite color Bishops on the board. #CarlsenAnand
— Yelena Dembo (@yelenadembo) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand2014....Apart from a billion Indians, it's Vassily Ivanchuk who predicted a Anand win in this Championship....#CarlsenAnand
— pradip chowdhury (@cpradip) November 9, 2014
10...Bb6 An idea for white is to play c3-->d4. Another option is a4. Magnus is trying to pick a plan #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
Found this. Kramnik talks about Berlin. #CarlsenAnand https://t.co/uiwnix5y82
— Raj (@rajkashana) November 9, 2014
This is the type of position Magnus wants, something not overly sharp & he can "play chess" & not so theorical #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
I am quite glad I chose to finish my lunch rather than rush back home for the opening moves #CarlsenAnand
— Nigel Short (@nigelshortchess) November 9, 2014
Fischer was very lucky that no one understood how to play the Berlin when he was around. #CarlsenAnand
— Nigel Short (@nigelshortchess) November 9, 2014
Is Vishy really going for ...d5 or merely transferring the Knight to f8 and so on? #CarlsenAnand
— Yelena Dembo (@yelenadembo) November 9, 2014
No Berlinwall between the audience and the players as it was last year. #CarlsenAnand #nrksjakk
— Leif Jørgen Sunde (@lefsus) November 9, 2014
9...Nd7 The idea is to play Nf8, then to either g6 or e6. #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
Through airplay on appletv #carlsenanand pic.twitter.com/ET6WLARmbI
— Teymur Rajabov (@rajachess) November 9, 2014
Perhaps, 9...h6, Nh7-g5 could be another idea... #CarlsenAnand
— Yelena Dembo (@yelenadembo) November 9, 2014
From the speed of both players, it is clear that Magnus did anticipate Vishy's opening choice. #CarlsenAnand @anandcarlsen14
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) November 9, 2014
So an anti-Berlin on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall! http://t.co/mgoSvA6GPX #CarlsenAnand... http://t.co/YTGRCePHO2
— Iver Neumann (@shine401) November 9, 2014
#CarlsenAnand Anand playing "a-la-Carlsen" against Carlsen. Fun psychological battle
— Alberto Muniz (@albertomuniz) November 9, 2014
Carlsen didn't let Anand play Berlin Wall even if today is 25th anniversary of the fall. No sense of occasion at all. #CarlsenAnand
— Andrija Djuranovic (@andrijadj) November 9, 2014
I have a box of chocolates, fresh coffee and #CarlsenAnand streaming on the laptop. It's a perfect Sunday.
— Ella Zwart (@_cyberella) November 9, 2014
25 years after the Berlin Wall fell, @MagnusCarlsen & Anand plays the Berlin defence! This is just great! #CarlsenAnand
— Tarjei J. Svensen (@TarjeiJS) November 9, 2014
RT @AnujTawari The best in world chess celebrate the fall of #BerlinWall #CarlsenAnand
— Carlsen - Anand 2014 (@anandcarlsen14) November 9, 2014
Brilliant defense yesterday by Anand (44.Qh1!). Curious what today will bring us...#cantwait #CarlsenAnand
— Anish Giri (@anishgiri) November 9, 2014
Want a quick recap of yesterday? Here's our video of what happened in #CarlsenAnand game 1: http://t.co/Ey3qzFnemY
— Chess.com (@chesscom) November 9, 2014
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