Tradition and college football most certainly go hand-in-hand. Many CFB fans as a result consider battles on the gridiron as actual war. And to win that war, they need every advantage they can get.
In this list, we will rank each tradition based on its recognition, and whether it helps teams win. So without further ado, let's get right to it.
#10. War Eagle - Auburn

Although Auburn has two college football traditions, the War Eagle battlecry is perhaps more recognizable. It involves the school's on-campus Golden Eagle, which has been released in the stadium before every home game since 2001. However, this hasn't helped the Tigers win much (.626 all-time win percentage).
#9. The Sooner Schooner - Oklahoma
A wagon pulled by two white ponies runs out onto the field before each Oklahoma game. The Sooners have been doing this jig since 1964, and it has brought the team and fans together to a respectable .725 all-time winning percentage, the second highest in this list. However, the wagon tends to flip over and injure its riders, which is not a good sight.
#8. Jump Around - Wisconsin
When the PA plays the 90s hip-hop classic "Jump Around" between the third and fourth quarters, almost everyone jumps up and down. Camp Randall shakes when over 80,000 fans jump in unison. Since school officials were concerned about the repercussions of this, they temporarily stopped playing the song in 2003. It's disheartening that the Badgers don't win that much even with this awesome of a tradition (.586).
#7. Kinnick Wave - Iowa
The University of Iowa is not known for winning matches but rather for its college football tradition. The University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital across Kinnick Stadium was built there to give the patients and their families a clear view of the football games. The tradition is that after every first quarter of every home game, all the fans and members of the team wave collectively to the patients watching from their hospital rooms.
#6. The 12th Man - Texas A&M
Back in 1922, a practice squad player for Texas A&M suited up to help his injury-laden team. He was the "12th Man." And the Aggies have been priding their fans in the stands as the "next man up" to their team ever since. The school takes this college football tradition so seriously that they even reserve a roster spot for the most dedicated walk-on player they find. The jersey number? #12. There's also a statue of the famed 12th Man in front of Kyle Field to further hammer the point.
#5. Howard's Rock - Clemson
For over 60 years, Clemson players have been touching the famed Howard's Rock for good luck. This rock, which came from California's Death Valley, was given to former HC Frank Howard, who used it as a doorstop to his office. Now, the team performs a roughly 7-minute spectacle before every home game. It's quite effective too, as Clemson is almost invincible whenever they play at home.
#4. Chief Osceola's Flaming Spear Plant - Florida State
The Seminoles' mascot, Chief Osceola, rides onto the field atop his horse Renegade while carrying a flaming spear and then plants his spear into the 50-yard line. The school has been honoring this iconic college football tradition since 1978. What's even better is that Florida's Osceola tribe has given FSU their permission to perform this.
#3. Script Ohio/Dotting the I - Ohio State
Ohio State has the highest winning percentage on this list (.733) partly due to their Script Ohio tradition. Also known as "Dotting the I," OSU's "Best Damn Band in the Land" forms the word Ohio in script on the field before home games. Then, a VIP "dots the I" to finish up the formation. Former NASA astronaut John Glenn has dotted the I as well.
#2. White-Out - Penn State
Penn State's White-Out games are consistently ranked among the most intimidating college football traditions and atmospheres ever. These games are always the biggest home games of the year for the Nittany Lions. This tradition started back in 2004, reviving interest in what was then a failing Penn State football program. The tradition is so effective that former Ohio State coach Urban Meyer says it's worth 10 points at least (via
#1. Sweet Home Alabama - Alabama
Almost nothing can be compared to over 100,000 fans singing in almost perfect unison to this Lynyrd Skynyrd classic. And with an all-time winning percentage of .732, the Crimson Tide surely gets a massive boost from this tradition. Although it's probably the simplest out of all college football traditions on this list, it is guaranteed to give you chills every time.
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