Nightwing has been the apple of the eye for many comic book readers. His charming personality and enticing looks have attracted not just comic book heroes but also villains.
Nightwing has always been a ladies’ man and boasts a rich love life. Stuck in a love triangle between the princess of Tamaran Starfire and the Oracle, aka Barbara Gordan. The writers of DC Comics posed the question, who will be the one for boy wonder?
The question seems to have been answered in the new In Nightwing #93 as Grayson says the three magical words to Barbara Gordan – ‘I Love You.’ In light of this historic moment, let us look at the 10 best love interests of the first Robin, Dick Grayson.
Nightwing is the most sought-after superhero and boasts a dating life that might be richer than his adoptive father, Bruce Wayne
10. Cheyenne Freemont
Cheyenne Freemont is the perfect example of ’one can do anything for their crush.’ A metahuman with telekinetic abilities led a quiet life as a designer until Dick Grayson convinced her to become a superhero.
Freemont sported a female version of the Nightwing suit and was good at crime-fighting and romancing Grayson. The two dated briefly until Cheyenne Freemont’s character disappeared.
9. Bridget Clancy
After separating from Batman, Dick moved to Bludhaven, where he rented a room and dated the landlady, Bridget Clancy. The two went on several dates and had a good time together.
Dick’s love for Barbara Gordon stopped them from taking their relationship to the next level. Bridget and Grayson stayed friends. Dick even helped her with funds for her college education.
8. Liu

Dick Grayson had a fallout with his father, Bruce Wayne, when he was a teen, leaving him lonely and vulnerable. Liu was with Dick when he was alone.
In the beginning, the two seemed to have a healthy relationship, only to realize that Liu has been using Dick to get close to Bruce Wayne and his arsenal of technology at Wayne Tech. The relationship left a stinging mark on Dick Grayson and taught him a valuable lesson.
7. Raya Vestri
One can never forget their childhood love. Raya and Dick have been friends since their days at Haly’s circus and spent some time together. Unfortunately, after the trapeze incident, Dick moved away, separating the two love birds.
The two reconnected when Dick revisited Haly’s circus. It’s a shame that such a trusting relationship turned into a disaster when it was revealed that Raya Vestri was a villain and she tried killing Dick Grayson.
6. Sonia Zucco
Dick had an excellent relationship with Sonia Branch, she was intelligent and cute, and both got along well.
Hell came crashing down when Dick realized that Sonia Branch was Sonia Zucco, the daughter of Tony Zucco, the mobster who killed Dick Grayson’s parents. Despite Sonia staying away from her father’s evil ways, Dick never pursued the relationship and left Sonia heartbroken.
5. Tarantula
Tarantula was an antihero who fiddled between good and evil but was later brought to the good side thanks to the charming Nightwing. However, his charm was overworked, and Tarantula fell for the good old Grayson.
Dick never had feelings for Tarantula, and so the relationship never went ahead. Tarantula tried to take advantage of Nightwing when he was physically and mentally vulnerable. The infamous incident in Nightwing #93 is marked as a dark chapter in the history of DC Comics.
4. Huntress
Many incidents prove that Dick is a naïve little boy who is taken advantage of almost every time. Huntress and Nightwing have teamed up multiple times to fight crime. The two even shared a romantic moment or two, however, the romance turned out to be a ruse by Huntress to break into Wayne’s inner circle.
Huntress later fell for Nightwing for real, but it was too late for them. Helena Bertinelli and Dick Grayson are good friends.
3. Zatanna Zatara
The animated series The Young Justice introduced us to the idea of the sorceress Zatanna Zatara and the boy wonder together, and the fans loved it. The two sneaked passionate kisses on Mount Justice.
The super couple dated briefly and broke up in the second season. The magical mistress and the boy wonder continue to stay friends to date.
2. Starfire
The princess of the planet Tamaran Koriand’r and the Boy Wonder worked together as Teen Titans, and sparks were flying all over. DC fans started shipping the two together, and DC gave rise to one of the most beautiful romances in comic book history.
Starfire and Robin were inseparable; they were good friends, great teammates, and a fantastic couple. They were even about to get married, but alas, the wrath of trigon spoiled the wedding. Starfire and Nightwing went on and off for a long time, but they never got serious again.
1. Barbara Gordan
Romeo and Juliet and Jack and Rose are couples that went down in cinema history. Similarly, Dick and Barbara are the couples that define love in DC comics. Barbara Gordon, aka Oracle, has seen the boy wonder grow from a scrawny little kid to a handsome hunk.
The two share an understanding beyond anything. Their relationship has gone through some troubled waters, but they have emerged victorious every time.