DC characters have entertained readers for decades, and some superheroes have motivated every new generation’s actions. DC personalities have a wide reach and have inspired the movie industry. Some characters have jumped the sides of morality and played both positive and negative roles.
Often in the long course of action, some heroes take their fight too seriously and inadvertently end up as a villain as Batman and Superman have done many times. Moreover, they repeat themselves and become their own boring caricatures, as did the Martian Manhunter. It is a wiser choice to hang up their boots and pass on the role to successors.
While many DC characters have lost their viability and stretched their stay too long, some of them should be stepping down. This article lists some of the heroes and villains of the DC world who have completed their practical existence.
Disclaimer: The characters listed here are the author’s choice.
Alan Scott, Mister Freeze, and 8 other DC characters who must step down
1) Barry Allen
Since Wally West has returned, Barry Allen should leave the scenario passing on the role of the Flash to a better personality. While Barry has given the audience a good representation of Flash, Wally makes a great fit after his redemption.
2) Lex Luthor

Although Lex Luthor showed an imposing personality as a villain, he did more remarkable work as a hero. He gave his fans the impression that he loved acting on the right side of the law than being a negative character. However, since he continued as a villain, fans feel this DC character needs to withdraw.
3) Alan Scott
Old Alan Scott is one of the few left in the Justice Society from the time of World War II. It may well be time to step away from being the Green Lantern and mentor the younger JSA members. Moreover, he has a family now and should turn his attention to his children, Jade and Obsidian.
4) Mister Freeze
Mister Freeze has been a single-minded villain in search of a cure for his wife, Nora. All the crimes that this DC character has committed came from this impetus. However, when Lex Luthor cured Nora, and she rejected him, he was left with no aim in life. This is a good reason for Mister Freeze to retire.
5) Bruce Wayne

Bruce Wayne has been the chief and most prominent Batman for years, transforming from a law-abiding billionaire to a superhero. However, the youngsters of the Bat-family, such as Damian and others like Luke Fox and Dick Grayson, can handle the Batman franchise. Keeping this in mind, the DC character Bruce Wayne can take it easy.
6) Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan is another popular DC character who is a Silver Age Green Lantern. DCEU movies have made him quite famous. However, with Bronze Age Green Lanterns such as Guy Gardner and John Stewart and the new ones such as Simon Baz and Kyle Rayner, Hal can take on the role of a trainer for the Green Lantern Corps.
7) Hawkman

Carter Hall, also famous as Hawkman, has been working with the Justice Society and the Justice League. However, both he and his counterpart, Hawkgirl, have died and been resurrected multiple times due to exposure to Nth metal in Egypt. It is high time that they come out of this continuous cycle of death and revival and take rest.
8) Martian Manhunter

J’onn J’onzz, a being from ancient Mars, resides on Earth now. A powerful hero with calm practicality, Manhunter has existed for about 200 million years. Despite the loss of his wife and daughter, the superhero has been diligently working with the Justice League in fighting evil. The retirement of this DC character is due as he has endured a long lonely existence.
9) Oliver Queen

Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, has spent years fighting for the right cause – sometimes alone, sometimes with the team he founded, and finally as a leader in Justice League. His eventful life has had many twists, including trying to take his life. However, with the arrival of Connor Hawke, his son, to take over the title of Green Arrow, Oliver can relax.
10) Clark Kent

While Superman is one of the beacons of the DC world, the Kryptonian has been working non-stop for decades. All this while, he has existed in multiple versions and played good and evil in different storylines. However, with the Superman franchise members growing in numbers, Clark Kent should take a step back and leave his son, Jon, to drape the mantle.
Many more DC characters deserve a retirement, forced or otherwise, such as Maxwell Lord, Vandal Savage, or John Constantine. On the other hand, some DC characters like the Cat Woman must turn themselves in for the unlawful acts they have committed.