Krypton is an alien planet in DC Comics that gave birth to several powerful Kryptonians. Some of these characters from the planet became superheroes, while others chose to become villains.
Of course, all Kryptonians flaunt incredible superhuman abilities, but most fans wonder which warriors from Krypton are the strongest. Well, if you’re also looking for that answer, here’s a list of the five strongest Kryptonians.
Discussing the five strongest Kryptonians
5) Supergirl

Supergirl aka Zor-El was in fact Superman's cousin on Krypton. She also possesses the same abilities as Superman, aka Kal-El, from the sun.
Originally, Supergirl was older than Superman, and she was sent from Krypton to Earth to look over her cousin. However, Supergirl's spaceship diverted away from its original path for a few minutes, and that short time in space resulted in a huge time gap on Earth. So, when Supergirl reached Earth, Kal-El was already an adult.
As she’s from the same planet as Superman, Supergirl also has similar powers. She has X-ray vision, flight ability, superhuman strength, the ability to shoot lasers from eyes, and many more. However, she’s a little weaker than Superman because Kal-El spends more time absorbing energy from Earth’s sun.
4) Superman

In DC Comics, the Man of Steel is shown as the first Kryptonian who has been sent to Earth as its protector. Initially, as a child, he used to stay away from others so that he could hide the new changes that were happening to him because of his developing superpowers. He could hide his powers until one day a bus carrying his classmates started to sink into the river and he didn't have any other option instead of lifting it.
Over the years, Superman grew immensely strong by absorbing Sun’s radiation, and his body was meant to withstand a much stronger gravitational force than Earth. Superman learned how to utilize his superhuman abilities that include superfast flight, super physical strength, invulnerability and super hearing. Despite having these powers, the hero likes to remain grounded and never fails to fight for justice and humanity.
3) Doomsday

In DC comics, Doomsday is one of the Kryptonians who was on the planet since it was a violent place where only the strongest creatures could survive. His powers can be measured in the reign of the Superman arc, where he was seen killing Superman. He was also able to handle Darkseid's dangerous Omega beams.
What makes him a tricky deal is his self-healing ability that helps him heal any damage caused to him. Along with this, he also has several abilities such as superhuman strength, fast speed, high stamina and invulnerability. Moreover, with his claws, he can easily cut off anyone's flesh.
2) Zod

Zod is definitely one of the most powerful Kyrptonians, and in several instances, he was stronger than Superman. Unlike Superman, Zod spent most of life training as a warrior. He flaunts every ability that Superman has, but the factor that sets him above Kal-el is his experience.
Interestingly, Zod was the one who stood up against the authorities on Krypton, and suggested saving his race by turning another planet into Krypton. However, he was shut down by the government and by Kal-El’s father and trapped in the Phantom Zone for eternity.
When Zod and his crew got out of the Phantom Zone, he saw that his planet was destroyed. Moving forward, Zod came into direct conflict with Superman.
1) H'El

Similar to Kal-El, H’El was sent away from Krypton by Kal-El’s parents. He traveled across different universes to preserve Krypton's knowledge and history. Of course, H’El arrived years later after Superman on Earth.
Since he is a Kryptonian, he flaunts every power that other warriors from Krypton have. However, what makes him clearly one of the strongest Kryptonians is that he has absorbed different radiation throughout his journey. On the other hand, Superman grew in power by absorbing only Earth’s sun's radiations.
Like Zod, H’El plans to revive Krypton by sacrificing Earth, which makes him a direct enemy of Superman.