Superman is considered one of the strongest comic book characters. He has faced and defeated several powerful villains who exist in the DC universe.
However, comic book fans may wonder if there are any characters in other comic books who have a chance of defeating the Man of Steel. Fans will be surprised to learn that there are some comic book characters who can bring down the Last Son of Krypton without Kryptonite, and here’s a list of five such characters.
These non-Kryptonite superheroes can defeat Superman
5) Vision

Vision is a robotic figure, and although the Big Blue Boy Scout has come across several robots in the past, he has never faced someone as strong as Vision. The Marvel comic book character has incredible powers and abilities which he can use to defeat prominent members of the Justice League. Vision has complete control over his weight and can also make it very hard for someone to injure him from any exterior damage.
Apart from these, Vision can also fly at an incredible speed, similar to Superman. Moreover, what makes him superior to the superhero is being a Synthezoid, which allows him to live forever without eating or drinking anything.
In fact, he also does not have human-like organs that tire him. On the other hand, Superman is exceptionally close to being human in terms of physicality, so it's obvious that he holds less durability than the robotic Vision.
4) Professor X

Superman is undoubtedly one of the strongest and most formidable superheroes in terms of physical strength. In fact, he is good enough to knock down all the members of X-Force at once. However, the only fear he has is the mind alteration or encountering a telepathic attack.
When it comes to controlling people's minds, no one can beat Professor Xavier. He can control anyone's mind and use their body as his own. He can also remove any particular memory from others' brains. Besides these, he holds the most vital telepathic abilities, and that is exactly what he needs to bring down the Man of Steel.
In short, if it's related to physical strength, Professor X stands nowhere in front of the superhero, but if the superhero's mind comes in control of Professor, no one can save him.
3) Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider is another powerful character who, without Kryptonite, has the ability to defeat Superman. The primary thing that Ghost Rider uses against his enemies is the penance stare that acts as a punishment for someone who is guilty. Meaning the person feels all the pain that he has given to someone. However, this doesn't work with the noble Big Blue.
Ghost Rider's superhuman strength and flames are enchanted that can, of course, be enough to hurt the Big Blue more than a normal fire. Moreover, he has a mystical chain that can be increased in length, can be penetrated into anything, and can be converted into a weapon.
Apart from these, Ghost Rider can only be killed by a weapon that is forged in heaven, so the superheroes' blows cannot cause him any harm.
2) Mr. Fantastic

Mr. Fantastic, aka Reed Richards, is said to be one of the most intelligent men in the Universe for a reason. Even though he is not someone who can defeat Superman in hand-to-hand combat, but when it comes to playing smart, then the superhero can definitely be trapped easily. He is good at making strategies to make it hard for the opponent to trick him.
Besides these, when fighting enemies, he first observes the opponent before making any plan to beat them with his intellect. Along with that, he has the ability to change his body or any of his body parts into any shape that can be difficult for Superman to handle. He can also transform into a liquid form and can handle powerful blows from the Big Blue without taking any damage.
1) Doctor Strange

If something bothers Superman the most, it is magical powers. This makes him an easy target for Doctor Strange. However, the Sorcerer Supreme is not good in physical fights but can handle the Last Son of Krypton with his magical abilities.
Doctor Strange possesses several mystical powers that can do a great deal of damage to Superman. He can manipulate time, which is something that the Kryptonian would find challenging to handle.
Apart from that, Strange can open portals to send the Man of Steel to strange places, including the Mirror dimension. In short, Strange has a great arsenal of abilities that he can use to overwhelm Superman.
Note: The article reflects the writer's own views.