An unused post-credits scene from Sony Pictures' latest superhero sensation, Spider-Verse 2, has recently come to light, much to the delight of fans worldwide. Interestingly, Across the Spider-Verse charted an unconventional course for a Marvel film, as it was the first since August 2020 to forgo the staple post-credits scene.
Despite deviating from this traditional narrative structure, Spider-Verse 2 flourished financially at the box office while simultaneously generating an elevated sense of anticipation for the unfolding of the trilogy, especially after its shocking revelations.
The Spider-Verse 2 art book reveals discarded post-credits scene

The Spider-Verse 2 official art book was the platform to exhibit the storyboard concept art for this discarded post-credits scene. The showcased scene unfolded at the infamous Bar With No Name, a unique Marvel Comics location where Jason Schwartzman's character, The Spot, finds solace post the events of Spider-Verse 2.
The cutscene featured The Spot amidst several antagonists, attempting to enjoy a beverage only to have it leak through his body. The Spider-Verse 2's makers, Chris Miller and Phil Lord, decided against incorporating this post-credits scene instead of transitioning directly to an imminent clash between two versions of Miles Morales.
The Spot's character continues to evolve, manifesting into his final and most ominous form, preparing to unleash chaos across the Multiverse. While it remains uncertain whether The Bar With No Name will be featured in subsequent Spider-Verse films, the original plan involved the bar serving as a minor backdrop in the post-credits scene and throughout Spider-Verse 2.
Denise Koyama, the storyboard artist, was responsible for sketching the entirety of the scene. The art book additionally offered insights into The Bar With No Name for enthusiasts eager to understand the lore behind this location.
It highlighted The Spot's interactions with iconic Spider-Man adversaries like Hammerhead, while the stalwart bartender Delilah ensures his safety:
"Even hardened supervillains need a safe place where they can drink their cares away in the company of Spider-Man’s ever-growing number of enemies. First introduced in 'Captain America' no. 318 (cover-dated June 1986), New York City’s Bar With No Name is precisely such a spot.
"Located in an old abandoned subway station, the Bar is where we see Spot interact with Hammerhead and some of the other bad guys while the tough-as-nails bartender Delilah keeps an eye on him and encourages him to stand up for himself."
Contrarily, the bar is also where villainous activities and superpowers are strictly prohibited. However, The Spot flouts this rule, exhibiting his unique abilities to create portals.
Dean Gordon, the Art Director, talked about the influence of the comics in designing the diverse group of characters featured in this scene. He emphasized the excitement involved in deciding the appearance of the villains:
"Our character designers went back to the original comics to include a diverse group of characters and feature them in this bar scene. It was a lot of fun deciding which supervillains to include. We wanted them to be updated, but definitely identifable versions of some familiar characters."
Artist Mauro Belfiore echoed this sentiment, highlighting the fun he experienced while crafting these characters and enjoying the humorous twist to their otherwise powerful personas:
"It was so fun to work on those villains. What I like about them is that no matter what crazy power they have, they always have time for a beer!"
Tiffany Lam, another artist, detailed the challenges and inspirations encountered while designing the bar as a rendezvous for the villains. She said:
"Placing actual subway elements and creating a unique space for the camera to move in and around columns, railroad tracks, turnstiles, and so on, was the fun part. The tough part was trying to design an immersive bar in which all the worst villains found it suitable to congregate in."
She continued:
I researched really dark, grimy, dive-y bars in New York, Russia, Belgium, and elsewhere, which inspired me to litter every surface with graffiti, photos, signage, and random junk that have been layered over time."
Jason Schwartzman teases a "bigger, badder, holier" performance as The Spot
With the approaching release of Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, speculation is rife regarding including a post-credits scene, given that the film signifies a conclusive end to this storyline.
The Spot is slated to return as the formidable antagonist in this upcoming film, with his journey potentially taking a different trajectory after amassing unprecedented power and posing a threat to the entire Multiverse.
Schwartzman teased his reprisal of The Spot, promising a "bigger, badder, [and] holier" performance. How this pans out, and the fate of this universe-traversing villain will only be revealed with time.
Spider-Verse 2 is currently screening in cinemas globally.
This article was modified on Saturday, July 08, at 12:30 pm.