Batman: One Dark Knight is a miniseries written and illustrated by. The lettering is provided by Clem Robins. Released under the DC Black Label, the comic tells a gripping and intense Batman story of its own.
Batman: One Dark Knight focuses on GCPD escorting the metahuman EMP from Arkham to Blackgate. EMP is known to have powers that feed off on energy and leave any and every electrical tech knocked out. With everything going awry, Batman must make sure that EMP reaches Blackgate securely before things start getting worse.
Batman: One Dark Knight features an action-packed story that will leave you wanting more
Talking about the story, it isn't really as deep as you would think it would be for a Batman tale. Batman: One Dark Knight cuts straight to the point and sees Batman transport this prisoner to Blackgate while different gangs close up on him.
On one side, you have rival gang members who want EMP dead, and on the other you have the metahuman's own gang members that want to get him back. The city is dark, literally. There is no electricity as EMP's overload caused a blackout. This alone, with the gang members closing in, makes for some damn fine reading.

The comic is an action-packed journey through Gotham
What I really like about Batman: One Dark Knight is that there really is no filler. The moment the story starts, you're into it and it just keeps turning up the dial from there. It's extremely fast paced and it keeps you on the edge of your seat constantly.
You have supporting characters like Vasquez that do have an arc here and I think the story lends itself to having a perfectly good amount of set up. Not too much, not too little, just the right amount that will keep the readers hooked.
Batman feels like a brute
Batman himself is the brute that you all are expecting. For him, the mission of getting EMP to Blackgate matters the most, and that's what he does. In terms of character, he doesn't have much of a character arc here and I think that's what ultimately holds the comic back.
He does have an inner monolog about how Gotham is going to bits, and he plans his every move. So at least that was there to back him up. Him and EMP also have some really fun scenes as you learn more about this character's backstory.
EMP is a tragic character, and seeing Batman understand that side of him and sympathize added a bit of humanity to him. So you can understand why Batman is going through these huge lengths to save this guy.
Jock's art is a treat to the eyes
Jock's art wonderfully compliments this story as well. Jock is mainly known for art and not for writing stories, so it was great to see a book where the creator brings his A game to literally everything.
You get great, wonderful pages filled with Batman being drawn in one of the best ways possible. The spreads here are amazingly done and every page that I flipped through felt like it could have been my new mobile wallpaper.

Final Verdict
Batman: One Dark Knight is a great action-packed and fast paced story that you will love reading. The best way to describe this comic would be like downing hot black coffee and getting an adrenaline shot immediately. It truly is a fun read and I can't wait for the series finale this June.