In a surprising twist in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Shuri is revived from a seemingly fatal spear stab. This was during a climactic fight between her and Namor in the desert. The scene looked unbelievable at first, but reasonable as an afterthought.
While the massively powerful K'uk'ulkan, or Namor, as he is popularly known, launched attacks on the petite Shuri, culminating in a spear piercing her right through the torso, it appeared that the Wakandan ruler was doomed. But, as her Black Panther suit repaired itself, she regained enough strength to stand up and respond with counterattacks.
The movie also showed T'Challa's sister consuming a therapeutic heart-shaped herb, which may have saved her life in this fatal attack. Wakanda is a highly evolved society that has solutions to many issues that the rest of modern society finds difficult to solve.
Shuri might have survived the stab with the aid of a synthetic herb

As fans watched the fight scene in the movie, they realized that Shuri had taken the synthetic herb that has healing properties. Even though it might not have healed the wound completely, the herb might have given her the stamina to endure the pain and carry on with the fight.
In Black Panther, the same synthetic heart-shaped herb helped T'Challa recover from his wounds. As such, it is likely to have helped his sister deal with the injury she received from Namor.
The Black Panther suit may have played a huge role in this healing as well. As the event shows, she frees herself from the spear that pierced her and got lodged in a rock behind her. As soon as she has the spear out of her body, her suit starts to reconstruct itself.
The quick closing of the suit may have sealed the open wounds and reduced any blood loss from the injury. Since the new Wakandan chief herself was one of the scientists behind the creation of the suit, she likely knows its properties.
The suit’s durability and its nanotechnology-woven Vibranium armor saved her as it had done for T’Challa in his fights. It is unclear whether the suit has healing properties or medical nanites to heal open flesh wounds.
What is the hidden message about Shuri’s stabbing?

Namor's stabbing and Shuri's survival showed the reach of the highly developed Wakandan society, though both T'Challa and the Queen died. The scientific strategies implemented in creating the suit and generic medicines with advanced healing properties show the level of progress in the community.
On the negative side, the attack on the superhero is not the only incident that raises eyebrows in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Namor, the Sub-Mariner, can sneak into Wakanda to attack its ruler, and Nakia comes to Talocan to save Shuri, demonstrating the country's security flaws.
How the fatal stab does not leave any traces of blood is another question that has left movie watchers baffled. They are unsure whether that is the quality of the suit, herb, or MCU editing mistakes. The sequels will need to come up with answers to these loose ends.