Secret Invasion is MCU’s next show on Disney+ that will introduce several new characters. Olivia Colman is coming in as an MI6 agent named Sonya Fallsworth, while Kingsley Ben-Adir plays the main antagonist named Gravic. However, the character that is garnering the major interest from fans is Emilia Clarke’s G’iah.
Her character was shrouded in mystery, and fans were led to believe that she could either be playing SWORD Agent Abigail Brand or the Skrull queen Veranke, who would be leading the Secret Invasion party on Earth. However, Marvel has now revealed that she is playing one of the good Skrulls in the story.
Who is G’iah in Secret Invasion?
Emilia Clarke is making her debut in the MCU, but her character has appeared before in Captain Marvel because G’iah is the daughter of Talos. Viewers saw her as a little Skrull who befriended Monica Rambeau, but that friendship didn't continue after the Skrulls left Earth for a few years.
In the present day, G’iah has become a Skrull radical who has issues with her father. She has been separated from him for a while, and there’s a bit of resentment because he favors Nick Fury quite a lot. Being in a rebellious phase, she holds a major grudge against Nick Fury.
In an interview with Vanity Fair, Emilia Clarke told them that G’iah has struggled a lot, and this constant struggle has hardened her. The Game of Thrones star further added:
“It's hardened her for sure. There's a kind of punk feeling that you get from this girl. She's a refugee kid who's had Talos for a dad, you know what I mean? Maybe the fact that we didn't know he had a kid up until this point tells you everything you need to know about their relationship.”
Despite her willingness to get close to her father, she was never truly welcomed. The biggest reason for that was his friendship with Nick Fury. Moreover, Emilia Clarke revealed that Fury had initially promised a home for the Skrulls on Earth, but he hasn’t delivered that promise. She said:
“These people promised a lot of stuff a long time ago, and not a lot has happened. So understandably, a certain amount of resentment has been built. There's a lot of emotions that live within her, and there's a lot of confrontational aspects to her character that have come from circumstance. You understand why she has the feelings that she does.”
As such, G’iah is a rogue Skrull who is fighting to make her own place in this universe. However, she will be one of the show's main protagonists as viewers will see her and Fury fight the same battle against the Skrull Resistance group on different ends throughout the series.
Another interesting detail about her character is that, unlike her parents, G’iah is a Skrull with certain special abilities, and this detail gets confirmed by Twitter Scooper MyTimetoShineHello. Just as viewers saw Gravic using tentacles in the recent trailer, G’iah also possesses a hidden ability that will be revealed in the upcoming series.
Secret Invasion starts streaming on June 21, 2023, only on Disney+.