Wondering who is the most powerful Kaiju created by Marvel and DC comics? We are all familiar with Godzilla, the most famous Kaiju featured in fictional stories. Over the years, we've also received some incredible Kaiju movies, but most of them only feature Godzilla and King Kong. However, comic book fans should know that both Marvel and DC consist of several Kaiju characters.
Interestingly, several comic book Kaiju characters are similar to Godzilla in size. Apart from that, these monsters come with mystical and supernatural powers, making them incredibly dangerous. If you're also intrigued to learn about the best Kaijus in comic books, here's a list you might like.
Exploring the Kaijus that appeared in Superhero comics created by Marvel and DC
1) Marvel: Giganto

Giganto is a deviant mutant who resides on Monster island. The monstrous creature was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and was first introduced in Fantastic Four #1.
He is a servant to the supervillain scientist Mole Man, who uses him to attack and destroy power plants worldwide. He has a gigantic build and possesses superhuman strength and stamina. He can also breathe underwater for an extended time. Apart from these, he is also an expert in digging heavy tunnels.
Mole Man sets the giant free to attack the members of the Fantastic Four as the group approaches him to investigate the destruction of the power plant in French equatorial Africa. Giganto was teleported to Earth by Skrulls to create high mental stress levels across the city.
2) DC: Chemo

Initially, Chemo appeared in the DC universe as a twenty-five-foot tall vessel, the shape of which roughly resembled a human being. Its creator, Ramsey Norton, was a strange scientist who used it to store the chemicals from his failed experiments. After failing all the experiments, the scientist filled Chemo with many chemicals.
One day, Norton attempted to invent a growth formula for plants so that they could feed starving countries. Unfortunately, he didn't succeed this time either. Chemo was stuffed again with the growth chemical. These chemicals altogether caused a considerable reaction, making Chemo a walking destructive weapon. After coming to life, the first thing he did was poison the scientist and go on a rampage.
Since Chemo was created through experiments, he cannot be killed as he gets resurrected and keeps on returning again and again.
3) Marvel: Fin Fang Foom

Coming from the world of Kakaranthara, Fin Fang Foom is an alien who possesses shape-shifting abilities. He looks like an anthropomorphic Chinese dragon, who, along with similar aliens of the race, left his hometown to rule other planets. After landing in Ancient China, the aliens used their shape-shifting powers to take human form and enter human society.
The dragon has superhuman strength and stamina that allows him to exert his body for up to 24 hours before getting hit by the fatigue toxins in his body. Apart from this, the wings on his body enable him to fly at greater speeds for an extended period.
4) DC: Titano the Super-Ape

Titano the Super-Ape is primarily considered a foe for Superman. Initially, he appeared as a small chimpanzee who, during a space experiment, gets exposed to cosmic radiation. This gave him a gigantic outlook and the ability to shoot Kryptonite from his eyes. And having Kryptonite vision, he becomes a threat to Superman.
Despite having these abilities, he is not seen as evil in the DC comics. Instead, he is still the tiny chimpanzee who causes destruction because he doesn't understand what's wrong with his body.
5) Marvel: Fenris Wolf

In the Marvel comics, Fenris Wolf is said to be the offspring of the giant Angerboda and Loki, and the vast creature made his first appearance in Journey into Mystery #114.
The giant wolf hails from the Asgardian dimension. He is a 15-feet tall wolf who possesses massive strength, human-like intellect, and shape-shifting powers. Fenris can change his size to that of a regular wolf or attain the shape of a god.
Apart from these, having an Asgradian beast, he has enhanced acute senses of sound and smell. He can hear and see distant objects, as well as identify and track a prey by scent alone. Interestingly, Fenris Wolf also appeared in the MCU, where he fought against Hulk and the God of Thunder in Thor: Ragnarok.
6) DC: Starro

Coming from the alien starfish race, Starro has mind-control potential. Often being a planetary danger to the Justice League of America, it tried to conquer Earth several times. Although Starro doesn't possess massive superhuman strength, the supervillain can still lift up to a hundred tons.
Apart from this, Starro has color-changing powers that are often used to fool an enemy. For instance, once the character was attacked by Green Lantern, and to make a fool of him, Starro changed its color. The creature was first introduced in The Brave and the Bold #28 in 1960, and it recently appeared as the main villain in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad movie.
7) Marvel: Shuma-Gorath

Sometimes considered Omnipotent, this creature is one of the most powerful ancient demons in the Marvel universe. He possesses several superpowers that make him unstoppable in his native dimension. The upper limits of his physical powers remain unknown, so it's hard for anyone to say if he can be killed or not. The tentacles on his body protect him from harm.
Out of his many mystical powers, one is the ability to control and communicate with anyone living in his vicinity and beyond dimensional barriers. What makes him dangerous is that he can demolish an entire reality with the ball of energy he releases from his tentacles and eye.
8) DC: Karaqan

The Deep Ocean's ancient beast Karaqan was first introduced in 2014 Aquaman vol. 7 #26. The creature has appeared in several avatars in different storylines of DC comics. These avatars are Kraken, Karathen, and Karaqan. The huge aqua monster has the ability to destroy huge ships in no time.
In the comics, Karaqan is sometimes shown as a supervillain and sometimes the protector of the Atlantis kingdom.
9) Marvel: Devil Dinosaur

Created by Jack Kirby, Devil Dinosaur debuted in Devil dinosaur #1 in 1978, and later, the dinosaur was seen in 2018s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #33. When the Devil was young, he was almost burnt to death by an unsympathetic tribe of Killer-Folk. However, a young boy named Moon Boy rescued him. A mutation in the dinosaur's body was activated when exposed to Killer-Folk's fire, giving him several superpowers. Not only that, his body color changed to flaming red.
The Devil Dinosaur possessed a high level of intelligence and constantly remained loyal to Moon Boy as he saved him from being killed. The duo later avenged the death of Devil's family and protected the members of Moon Boy's tribe from an alien invasion.
10) DC: Trigon

Trigon is a behemoth created by DC comics. He is considered a sadistic demon who is a prominent adversary of Justice League and Teen Titans. This creature can change its appearance at will and can travel to different dimensions. The supervillain has an incredible manipulation ability, using which he can fool anyone.
Controlling the minds of others gives him the ability to make anyone do anything he wishes. He can also learn about someone's history by gazing into their minds.