Deadpool, the controversial character among Marvel's X-Men, is often grouped with the other mutants. However, he wasn't a born mutant as he gained his special superpowers later on.
The story of the origin of his powers is as interesting as the character itself.
The mutant isn't like the usual superheroes - with a high moral code of conduct and a heart full of compassion. He is a bad-guy-turned-anti-hero who sided with the team X-Men to go a larger good.
He is clearly an enigma and fans are unable to find him inspiring, despite liking him quite a lot. Additionally, fans also wonder how the anti-hero got his superpowers. So, this article tries to explain how Wade Wilson turned into the enigmatic Deadpool, who is almost immortal.
Deadpool: A normal mutant or scientific experiment?
Wade Wilson wasn't born a mutant and neither was he bitten by an insect nor did radiation turn him into the mutant he is.
Wilson was a patient who had terminal cancer and had volunteered for an experiment for the cure of cancer through the Weapon X program. It is a concept that uses the power of regeneration of cells and tissues as it is done in animals like reptiles and amphibians.
Thanks to the experiment, Wilson's cells regenerate faster than they would for a normal human being, and that is his superhuman healing potential.
The same organization, Weapon X, was also involved with other X-Men. For example, they gave Wolverine his adamantium bones. Weapon X also houses Deadpool’s prime villain, Ajax, as one of the main operatives in the program.
All of Deadpool’s superpowers
After his treatment at the Weapon X lab, Wade Wilson was given enhanced powers including the ability to heal, which basically makes him immortal. He also became stronger and super agile, while also learning several languages. The mutant's super weapons also include the ability to teleport, a holographic device, and resistance to telepathy.
The origin of the mutant's super powers
Wade Wilson received a serum injection to activate his supposedly dormant mutant genes. To catalyze the serum, Wade accepts torture to secrete adrenaline in his body, and the serum works on his body, helping his cells regenrate at a rapid speed.
Although the anti-hero's damaged healthy cells can now regenerate and stop the spread of his cancer, the power doesn’t cure the disease. What goes wrong in his body is that the mutated DNA is also available in his cancer cells and now, along with superpowers, Wade has super cancer.
The mutant's super healing power now regenerates his cancer cells with normal cells at the same super speed. This means his malignant tumors will never die. His cancer lives on as long as his superpower lives.
The science behind Deadpool’s regenerative power
The genes in the human body are coded to form separate tissues and organs. This is because of the layer of information called epigenetics, on DNA. Epigenetics is a guide code that directs cell division and differentiation. In Deadpool's case, the serum must have activated the epigenetics to change the rate of cell division.
Cancer is hard to treat because there are thousands of rogue cells that keep adapting and mutating to fight elimination. The only way to fight them is to destroy them. However, with Deadpool's advanced power, these bad cells also heal just as quickly as regular ones. This prevents Deadpool from getting cancer free, which also gives him his scarred look.