Superman is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and well-loved superheroes, with a unique and intricate backstory documenting how he achieved his superhuman abilities. He was the first hero to become a household name following his appearance in DC Comics in 1938.
Initially, Superman’s powers came from his Kryptonian heritage. Born on the planet Krypton, he was naturally gifted with abilities such as flight, superhuman strength, and invulnerability. He developed further abilities such as heat vision and X-ray vision when he was sent to Earth.
Given that he is a legendary comic book character, it is important to know the origin of his power and understand why he stands out from the crowd.
Exploring Superman's powers: The origin and the source

The source of Superman's powers is Earth's sun and its radiation, which gave him powers. Being a Kryptonian, his powers are fueled by Earth's sun. In comics, it has been mentioned several times that gravity also plays a major role. While younger celestial bodies grant him more powers and enhance his abilities, weaker red radiations do just the opposite.
For Superman, who was sent to Earth as a baby, his abilities were awakened by absorbing the radiation from Earth's yellow sun. It was the absorption of Earth's sun radiation that awakened and enhanced his powers, as they acted like solar panels for him.
How are his powers enhanced on earth?

When his parents sent him to Earth to save him from destruction, Superman's powers were reduced due to the atmosphere of the planet. Thus, these powers weren't as strong on Earth as they were on Krypton.
To maintain the same power levels, he then began to absorb solar radiation from Earth's sun, and these radiations amplified his abilities, giving him godlike strength and speed.
It is believed that the effects of Kryptonite are further enhanced by the Earth's environment, giving the superhero even greater abilities like enhanced strength, speed, stamina, and the capability to fly.
Final thoughts

On the whole, this character's origin story is an intriguing one. All of his powers and abilities were present when he was born on planet Krypton. However, on Earth, the solar radiation from the sun amplified and enhanced his powers, granting him immense amounts of strength and speed.
His origin story has captured the imagination of millions of people worldwide and has been retold and adapted in various forms of media. Ever since he first appeared in June 1938, this beloved superhero has since found his way into comic books, TV shows, and movies.
Despite being a fictional character, Superman continues to be an enduring symbol of hope and a source of inspiration for many people.