Thor is renowned as one of the most powerful and well-known characters in the Marvel universe. As an Asgardian, he is granted superhuman strength, stamina, and longevity far beyond normal humans.
The superhero is the son of the all-father Odin, ruler of the gods, and the goddess of the earth, Jord. Over the course of his journey, the superhero has undergone a tremendous transformation to become the God of Thunder people know and revere today.
His immense powers have become the stuff of legend, granting him divine strength and invincibility. The source of the God of Thunder's formidable prowess has long been a point of fascination among keen comic book fans.
Mysteries unraveled: Thor gets his powers
The superhero's powers are derived from his divine heritage as a god and from the magical items he possesses.
The most notable of these items is Mjolnir, the Asgardian's hammer, which was forged by the dwarves of Norse mythology. The hammer was made from a special metal called Uru, which was said to be virtually indestructible.
Mjolnir also has several magical properties, including the ability to control lightning and thunder, as well as the ability to return to the superhero's hand when thrown.
Mjolnir is the source of the Asgardian superhero's incredible powers. Whenever it is thrown, Thor can use it to deflect objects and tap into his immense power to unleash mighty blasts of thunder and lightning at his enemies.
The hammer itself is also capable of magically transmuting the God of Thunder so that he can travel between Asgard and Earth.

In addition to his hammer, he also possesses a magical belt called Megingjord, which doubles his already impressive strength. He wears a pair of iron gloves, Jarngrimmir, which allow him to grasp the handle of Mjolnir without being harmed by its immense power.
It is not just Mjolnir that gives the Asgardian God his powers. Throughout his relationship with Odin, Thor was granted four different powers. Odin not only bestowed him with the ability to fly and travel through the Nine Realms, but also gave him the ability to control the weather, access the power of the Bifrost bridge, and, of course, control lightning.
Powers and abilities of the God of Thunder
The Asgardian God's powers and abilities are formidable, and he is considered one of the strongest and most powerful of the Gods.

He has the ability to control lightning and thunder, which he channels through his hammer. This power allows him to create powerful storms and strike his enemies with lightning bolts.
Even without his magical belt, Thor possesses incredible strength, making him one of the strongest gods in Norse mythology. With Megingjord, he becomes virtually unstoppable, capable of overpowering even the most powerful foes.
All in all, the Asgardian has become the mightiest of Marvel's gods through a combination of his inherited powers, personal skills, fighting acumen, and magical enhancements. While Thor may have started with a few basic abilities, it was his determination and unwavering courage that ultimately made him the hero we know and love today.