A Gentleman in Moscow is an upcoming television adaptation based on Amor Towles' 2016 historical fiction novel of the same title. The story explores the aftermath of the Russian Revolution and the story commences in June 1922, when a committee of the Bolshevik government places Count Alexander Rostov under indefinite house arrest within the confines of the Hotel Metropol in central Moscow.
This renowned establishment, still operational today, was constructed in 1905 and stands as one of Moscow's largest pre-revolution hotels, boasting an art nouveau architectural style. The Metropol Hotel serves as the captivating setting for Rostov's house arrest and the unfolding narrative sheds light on the connections he builds within its walls.
Filming locations of A Gentleman in Moscow
Located in the heart of Moscow, Russia, the Metropol stands as the largest hotel in Moscow erected before the Russian Revolution. Boasting an impressive collection of 800 antique units displayed throughout its halls and suites, the hotel is also a museum, offering guests a glimpse into its rich history.
Apart from the Metropol Hotel, the TV mini-series adaptation of A Gentleman in Moscow was also shot at other locations including Bolton Town Hall in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, as per Manchester Evening News.
Filming commenced on February 27, 2023, at Victoria Square, outside Bolton Town Hall, and continued for a few months. Liverpool Town Hall also served as a filming location in June 2023, as reported by Liverpool Echo. Liverpool Town Hall is recognized as a Grade I listed building on the National Heritage List for England and is acclaimed as an outstanding 18th-century architecture town hall.
Additionally, scenes for the title were also shot in Halifax, West Yorkshire, and at Leeds Civic Hall in May 2023, according to Halifax Courier.
Plot and cast
A Gentleman in Moscow follows the life of Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, an aristocrat who finds himself relegated to an attic room in the popular hotel for decades. This punishment comes in the aftermath of the Bolshevik revolution when a tribunal sentences him to house arrest following his return to Russia from Paris.
Confined to a modest attic room, he navigates life within the hotel's walls, engaging in conversations with fellow guests. Flashbacks offer glimpses into his tumultuous past while the story progresses through decades of societal upheaval.
The Metropol acts as an inviting backdrop as the surrounding country transforms over time. Within the hotel, the count forms meaningful connections with visitors like Nina, a spirited nine-year-old, and Anna, a renowned actress.
Real-life married couple Ewan McGregor and Mary Elizabeth Winstead star as Count Rostov and Anna Urbanova, respectively. Additional cast members include Leah Harvey, Johnny Harris, Paul Ready, Anastasia Hille, Alexa Goodall, Fehinti Balogun, Björn Hlynur Haraldsson, Dee Ahluwalia, John Heffernan, and Lyès Salem.
The novel vs. TV series
The TV adaptation of Amor Towles' novel A Gentleman in Moscow introduces a notable change by expanding Anna Urbanova's role. In an interview with Vanity Fair, writer, executive producer, and showrunner Ben Vanstone highlighted this departure from the book, noting:
“The novel is necessarily very count-focused, and you don’t get that broad an impression of Anna’s life away from the count.”
While the novel provides limited insight into Anna's life beyond her interactions with the lead character, Vanstone emphasized the importance of granting Anna "more agency through the story."
A Gentleman in Moscow also adds depth to the characters who both enhance and complicate the count's experiences. These characters include Mishka, the count's university friend and revolutionary, and the Bolshevik waiter referred to within the hotel as 'the Bishop.'
A Gentleman in Moscow will premiere on March 29, 2024, on Paramount+.