James Gunn's Guardians 3, also known as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, is known for its emotional scenes, and one of the most memorable ones is the ending where Groot, the beloved character voiced by Vin Diesel, tells his team, "I love you guys." This line of dialogue is particularly poignant since Groot's language is restricted to only saying "I am Groot" and "We are Groot" once.
However, fans were left wondering about the true meaning behind Groot's notable ending line. Fortunately, director James Gunn recently cleared up the confusion and gave fans a deeper understanding of the scene's significance.
In a tweet, Gunn explained the emotional impact behind Groot's final words, which adds even more depth to the already touching moment.
James Gunn's tweet clarifies Groot's emotional moment in Guardians 3

Director James Gunn recently took to Twitter to clear up any confusion surrounding Groot's final line in Guardians 3. While some fans may have thought the line went against Groot's language restrictions, Gunn revealed that the true meaning is much deeper than that.
He explained that the audience can now understand Groot's language, just like the other Guardians do, making the audience an official part of the Guardians' family.
As fans grow closer to Groot, they can fully understand his character. This is evident in the film when Gamora learns to understand him, going from accusing the team of making up interpretations of his language to fully comprehending him by the movie's end.
By understanding Groot's language, fans can now hear what he means instead of just his simple phrase, "I am Groot." This newfound understanding of Groot's language cements the audience as part of the Guardians' family.
With this new interpretation from Gunn, Groot's line takes on a much more profound emotional impact. It is not just an expression of love but a symbol of the audience's connection to the Guardians.
Furthermore, it adds new meaning to the iconic line "We are Groot" in the first Guardians film. It is possible that the audience understood Groot's language before he sacrificed himself, and the audience's connection to the team grows stronger with this realization.
Overall, James Gunn's clarification about Groot's final line adds a new layer of emotional depth to the scene while also strengthening the connection between the audience and the beloved team of misfits.
By understanding Groot's language, fans can now appreciate the unique bond between the Guardians and feel like they are truly a part of the team.