Since his Marvel Universe debut in the final scenes of Iron Man, the character of Nick Fury, brought to life by Samuel L. Jackson, has been a vital and unmissable presence at the apex of the espionage universe.
Yet, his journey to that position remained largely obscured. His ascension within SHIELD wasn't entirely revealed, even during his stint in Captain Marvel. However, the emergence of the recent Disney+ series has seen the one-time formidable operative turn into a shadow of his former self.
Marvel's Secret Invasion's shocking revelation: Nick Fury's backstory overhauled

The third episode of Secret Invasion, a Marvel Studios' Disney+ series, discreetly revamped Nick Fury's backstory in a significant manner. This noteworthy revelation stemmed from a dialogue between Samuel L. Jackson's legendary character, Nick Fury, and Ben Mendelsohn's Talos.
Fury refers to having "been dealing with [Talos'] mess for the past thirty-something years," a comment to which Talos takes exception.
Talos counterclaims that Fury only began his rise through the ranks after he and his fellow Skrulls allied themselves as Nick Fury's covert intelligence network.
Drawing a timeline back to 1995, Talos elucidates:
"When I came here in 1995, you were just a bench warming nobody in a dumpy field office in SHIELD. You didn't start ascending the ranks until me and 19 of my people signed on as your invisible spy network. You know, we fed you more dirt and intel than you could've uncovered on your own in a lifetime, so please."
Although fans knew little about Fury's rise to power, it was a surprise that the Skrulls facilitated his ascent.
Talos further divulges how the Skrulls orchestrated each of Fury's advancements within SHIELD.
"I mean, every time you were promoted inside SHIELD, we did that. Every terror attack you prevented, we did that. Every enemy you sabotaged and ally you leveraged with dirt no one else in the world had access to, we did that. You're a smart and capable guy, Fury. Nobody questions that. But you gotta admit, your life got a hell of a lot more charmed once I came into it."
Finally, Talos reproaches Fury for trying to alter history, implying that a "thank you" wasn't even necessary from Fury, but the least Fury could do was acknowledge their contributions.
"And do you know something? I don't even need to hear a bloody thank you from you. It was my pleasure, mate. Least you can do is not rewrite history when the guy who helped write it with you the first time is sitting right next to you."
Nick Fury's controversial rise: Skrulls' role in question

In the context of Iron Man, it is intriguing to imagine that Skrulls were discreetly influencing events, unbeknownst to the audience. This newfound insight about Fury's reliance on the Skrulls stirs many questions and sparks curiosity about how these dynamics unfolded.
Some might argue that Fury unfairly rose to his position by leveraging the work of his Skrull allies.
Given the revelations of Secret Invasion's retcon, Talos' resentment appears wholly warranted. Fury's arrogance and self-aggrandizement make it seem like he claimed all the credit for delegated work.
The fact that Fury extensively exploited the Skrulls for his gain adds salt to their wounds, especially considering they never received the promised home.
Contrarily, Captain Marvel had no ulterior motives when she made her pledge—it was Fury who decided to pull strings behind the scenes.
Secret Invasion is now available for streaming on Disney+.