The Marvel Cinematic Universe is home to various fantastical characters. From the spell-casting wizards of Kamar-Taj to the mythological beasts of Ta Lo, the MCU has a place for everyone. However, a Marvel executive recently confirmed the presence of new mysterious beings who have been haunting the inhabitants of the MCU for a long time.
In an interview with comic book news portal The Direct, Marvel’s executive producer Brian Gay revealed that Monsters have been a part of the MCU for centuries. These scary monsters will debut in Marvel’s upcoming Halloween special series Werewolf by Night on Disney Plus, in which the infamous Werewolf will take center stage.
What monsters are set to appear in Werewolf by Night?
The trailer for the horror series was presented by Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige during the D23 event. In a special sneak peek, we saw a glimpse of the main monster of the series, the Werewolf, aka Jack Russell, played by Gael García Bernal. Meanwhile, eagle-eyed viewers also spotted the swamp monster Man-Thing created by the legendary Stan Lee.
In his interview with The Direct, Brian Gay stated:
"I think one of the very cool things about the special is it's just peeling back the corner of monsters in the MCU, right? So, there's not just the monsters that are part of Werewolf by Night, but the ones that were up on the wall, there's some of that artwork as well.”
Gay added:
“What all this lends to is the idea that for centuries there have been monsters within the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and they've been being tracked or hunted or kept at bay by these hunters."
The two creatures, along with the promise of many others, mark the dawn of monsters in the MCU. Werewolf by Night is not just a one-time gig for monsters. The species showcased in the series will make future appearances in the MCU, Brian Gay confirmed.
With monsters, comes monster hunters, Marvel could amaze fans with Blade or Black Knight
The Disney Plus Series Werewolf by Night is MCU's second attempt in the horror genre. The first horror flick, Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness lacked a series horror tone. However, viewers of the Disney Plus Series can expect intense scares. Monsters will definitely be the primary source of horror while monster hunters undertake the mission of capturing beasts.
Famous monster hunters like Verusa, played by Harriet Sansom Harris and Elsa Bloodstone played by Laura Donnelly, are set to appear in the series while others like Ulysses Bloodstone, Doctor Druid, and Zawadi might probably appear too.
Marvel can go all out by introducing Mahershala Ali’s Blade, the famous vampire hunter. Kit Harrington’s Black Knight aka Dane Whitman might also be featured on the show. Fans last saw Dane Whitman in Eternal’s post-credit scene. As he was about to grab the legendary Ebony Blade, we heard a mysterious voice say:
“Sure you’re ready for that, Mr. Whitman?”
The voice belongs to none other than Mahershala Ali as Blade. Werewolf by Night can be the perfect launch pad to introduce the two characters.
The horror film is directed by Academy Award-winning music composer Michael Giacchino, who is known for Up, The Incredibles, Coco, The Batman, and many more. Werewolf by Night will be released on Disney Plus on October 7, 2022.