Marvel's upcoming title, My Superhero is Black, will hit the bookshelves on October 11, 2022. The latest non-fictional project comes from the best-selling author, John Jennings, and acclaimed producer Angélique Roché of the New York Times. It is also a collaboration between Galaxy Book Group and Marvel.
The comic book cover comes from Spanish comic book artist Natasha Bustos and features several black characters such as Black Panther, Moon Girl, Nick Fury, Sam Wilson, Miles Morales, Ironheart, and many more.
Marvel's 'My Superhero is Black' is a celebration of Black characters and their creators
The upcoming project celebrates and pays tribute to all black comic book characters and their creators to date.
We are all familiar with black characters like Black Panther and Nick Fury in the comics. The upcoming project will shed some light on early efforts from Stan Lee, Billy Graham, Christopher Priest, Reggie Hudlin, and Ta-Nehisi Coates in creating such legendary characters.
Speaking to EW, Jennings stated:
"Angélique and I have endeavored to create a love letter to the characters we hold dear, a celebration of Black characters and creators in the vast Universe, and a document for future generations to come,"
On top of that, the project will focus on the Black creator's connection with these fictional characters. These new titles under Gallery books will focus on comic history while discussing their cultural impact.
Roché said that she was extremely thrilled to work on My Superhero is Black. She also stated that comic books are the perfect medium to escape reality and help millions dream big.
Over the years, several black characters were introduced in comic books, and they had a massive impact worldwide. However, writing these characters wasn't easy, and it would be interesting to dive deep into the creative path of such characters.