Actor Jon Bernthal, known for his captivating portrayal of Frank Castle in Netflix's The Punisher, is reprising his role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). His much-anticipated appearance will be in the upcoming Daredevil: Born Again series alongside Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio. To prepare for the comeback, Bernthal has been seen honing his skills with firearms at a firing range in Simi Valley, California.
Fans of the Netflix shows have eagerly awaited Bernthal's return as the Punisher since the series ended in 2019. The character has become a fan-favorite due to Bernthal's powerful and intense performance. With Bernthal's training regimen in full swing, anticipation is only growing for his return to the role and his debut in the MCU.
Jon Bernthal prepares for Punisher comeback with firearms and physical training
The Punisher star has been busy preparing for the role as excitement builds for Jon Bernthal's return as Frank Castle in the upcoming Daredevil: Born Again series.
Recently, he was filmed training with firearms at Taran Tactical Innovations' firing range in Simi Valley, California. In a video posted online, Bernthal can be seen loading bullets into his pistol and engaging in target practice.
Interestingly, he was joined by Thomas Jane, who played Frank Castle in the 2004 film adaptation of Punisher. Bernthal has been a regular at the range and trained there during his previous stint as the Punisher in Netflix's Defenders Saga.
However, firearms training is not the only activity Bernthal has been engaging in to prepare for his role. A video that surfaced in March showed him doing some fight training in the gym, indicating that he has also been engaging in physical training. With his rigorous training regimen, Bernthal is in top form for his long-awaited comeback as the Punisher in the MCU.
Anticipation grows for Bernthal's return to the MCU
Jon Bernthal's return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe has generated significant buzz among fans of the Netflix shows. After four years of waiting, Bernthal was finally confirmed to reprise his role as Frank Castle alongside Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio in the upcoming Daredevil: Born Again series. The series is slated to premiere on Disney+ in Spring 2024.
As one of the biggest names from the series to be integrated into the MCU, Bernthal is expected to deliver a top-notch performance in Daredevil: Born Again. Although details of the story remain under wraps, Jon Bernthal's passion and intensity during his firearms training indicate that he is ready to play the role with the same level of dedication he displayed on Netflix.
Bernthal has been training hard for the role, both in the gym and at the shooting range. With his training regimen in full swing, Jon Bernthal is preparing for his return as Frank Castle with the same passion and intensity that he displayed on Netflix.
As fans eagerly await the premiere of Daredevil: Born Again, Bernthal's performance in the series is sure to be a highlight. His training videos only add to the anticipation and excitement for his comeback in the MCU.