Marvel is all set to debut the first gay Spider-Man in the upcoming Egde of Spider-Verse #5. The character is set to debut this September in the new series Edge of Spider-Verse and will be called the Web-Weaver. This will be a variant of Spider-Man from the vast Spider-Verse of course, and will have a story centered around him.
Web-Weaver being the first gay Spider-Man will give diversity a push in great new ways. Over the years, Peter Parker's sexuality in the comic books has been a topic of discussion, with Andrew Garfield even wanting to portray a bisexual Spider-Man. However, before we get to see Web-Weaver in action, let's take a look at what the character is all about.
Exploring the details behind Marvel's first gay Spider-Man, Web-Weaver

For those who don't know, Edge of the Spider-Verse is a five-issue comic series that is set to debut this August. It will be written by talents like Mark Bagley, Dan Slott, Phil Lord and others. Each issue is set to contain three different stories of different Spider-Man variants.
The variants here will include characters like Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Mobile, Spider-Ham and more. In that, one of the variants is supposed to be of the Web-Weaver. The series will definitely touch on already-known Spider-Variants. At the same time, new variants like a Tyrannosaurus Rex that shoots web and a Kraven the Hunter version of him, and others will also be introduced.
The official synopsis for Edge of the Spider-Verse #5 reads as:
"Three brand new Spiders get their start here! WEB-WEAVER: A not-so-mild mannered fashion designer at Van Dyne gets spider-powers and shows us a very different kind of Spider-Slayer. HUNTER-SPIDER: Imagine a world where Sergei Kravinoff got Spider-Powers. You are not ready for the most hardcore Spider yet! Both of these and Phil Lord & Christopher Miller, the filmmakers behind the Spider-Verse movies, create a new Spider just in time for the END OF THE SPIDER-VERSE!"
As far as the story goes, we don't really have much of an idea about who the Web-Weaver is. All we know is that he is the first gay Spider-Man to grace comics, and will debut in Edge of the Spider-Verse #5. He is created by the team of Steve Foxe and Kris Anka.
Speaking about the creation of Web-Weaver, Steve Foxe shared his excitement and what the character basically stands for.
Here is what he had to say:
"Something I realized immediately when conceiving Web-Weaver is that he can't -- and shouldn't -- represent ALL gay men. No single character can. His fearlessly femme identity is central to who he is, but it's not the STORY...which you can experience for yourself in September!"
Speaking about the design of the character too, Kris Anka said:
"From the jump, I looked at a lot of McQueen and Mugler for this as inspiration. I cast a wide net for the original designs while also looking at new and unique spiders that [Foxe[ has recommended, which eventually paired down to this look."
You can, of course, check out Web-Weaver when he debuts in Edge of the Spider-Verse #5 in September.