In an exciting announcement, Marvel Entertainment has unveiled plans to launch a new set of books, which will focus on reimagined origin stories of its beloved superheroes based on the What If...? narrative concept. Among these, the most notable addition includes a surprising twist to Spider-Man's origin: a superhero sister.
This turn of events unfolds beyond the bounds of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), a setting where Spider-Man's portrayal of Kamala Khan has lately stirred some controversy. Concurrently, plans are in motion for a romantic storyline involving the Scarlet Witch and the mischievous deity Loki.
Marvel Studios had initially intended to release the next season of their popular animated series, What If...? this year. However, due to a delay pushing the release to early 2024, fans must find alternative ways to satiate their appetite for superhero storytelling.
Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch: A superhero siblinghood in the works at Marvel
In a collaborative effort with licensed publishing giant Random House Worlds, Marvel Entertainment is launching three adult novels that dive deep into these alternative origin stories.
The most unexpected of these announcements is Seanan McGuire's WHAT IF...WANDA MAXIMOFF AND PETER PARKER WERE SIBLINGS? A SCARLET WITCH AND SPIDER-MAN STORY, slated for a July 2024 release. Although the specifics of this story remain under wraps, fans can expect both superheroes to retain their powers and identities.
The series will also feature a book titled WHAT IF...MARC SPECTOR WAS A HOST TO VENOM? A MOON KNIGHT AND VENOM STORY by Mike Chen, released in October 2024. This concept interestingly aligns with a near occurrence in the 2008 Spider-Man: Web of Shadows video game.
First on the series' release agenda, however, is Madeleine Roux's WHAT IF...LOKI WAS WORTHY? A LOKI AND VALKYRIE STORY, hitting bookstores on March 12, 2024.
The puzzling pairing of Peter and Wanda
The other two What If...? stories featuring Loki and Moon Knight appear to have a more organic connection to their respective characters. Much like his brother, Loki being worthy is a familiar idea prevalent in the comics. Similarly, Marc Spector, who already hears voices, becoming a host to the Symbiote, seems plausible.
Conversely, the proposed sibling bond between Peter Parker and Wanda Maximoff is somewhat perplexing. These two characters have infrequent interactions in the comics, and their encounters in the MCU are even scarcer, making their familial connection less comprehensible.
So, what exactly inspired this unusual sibling concept remains a mystery. The narrative leaves room for interpretation. Peter and Wanda might be adoptive siblings. This would allow Wanda to retain her Romani origin as per the comics. But does this mean Peter Parker will also adopt a Romani background?
Fans eagerly await the release of WHAT IF...LOKI WAS WORTHY? A LOKI AND VALKYRIE STORY, which marks the beginning of this intriguing series on March 12, 2024.