The beloved children's novel, The Neverending Story, has become the latest material to get a new live-action adaptation. The story was once adapted in 1984, which also became a cult hit and is still widely remembered. The new adaptation comes from Michael Ende Productions in partnership with See-Saw Films, the latter of which is experienced in the business of adaptations.
The famous book, which is perhaps the most renowned work of late German author Michael Ende, will reportedly be adapted into multiple live-action films set in the fictional land of Fantastica.
There is no report on any cast and crew members yet, but as the film has started development, we will soon find out more.
What is The Neverending Story all about?
The Neverending Story, originally released as Die unendliche Geschichte, is widely considered one of the most popular German fantasy novels of all time. Written by German writer Michael Ende and published in 1979, it received its English translation in 1983 by Ralph Manheim, following which it received even more widespread popularity.
The story follows Bastian Balthazar Bux, an overweight but imaginative child who lost his mother at a young age. He is also frequently neglected by his father and keeps to himself. While escaping some bullies, Bastian stumbles into the antiquarian bookstore of Carl Conrad Coriander, where he finds a book called The Neverending Story. The book immediately draws his attention, and he steals it.
As Bux gets engrossed in the adventures of the heroic Atréyu and his mission to save the magical realm of Fantastica, he realizes that he is more than a mere observer in the story. Soon, he is transported to the magical land of Fantastica, where he fights to save the land from an evil force called The Nothing.
A modern The Neverending Story adaptation has every element that could work out
The film has a lot of elements that allow for a grand-scale universe-building. It also has many elements that would work perfectly with modern-day CGI and VFX, something that was missing in the earlier adaptation.
Moreover, with many characters and side storylines, the modern trend of franchise-building also works in the favor of the story, which could offer plenty of ground to make new content.
It is also one of the rare fantasy materials that is yet to get a modern adaptation. According to sources, there has also been a steep battle between bug production houses to land the project, with See-Saw Productions ultimately succeeding in bringing it home.
More details about The Neverending Story adaptation should come out soon. Stay tuned for more updates.