The Marauders are no stranger to undergoing a roster change from time to time. They did begin as a team of mutant assassins, after all.
Steven Orlando (King in Black, Heroes Reborn, and Curse of the Man-Thing) and Eleonora Carlini (Infinite Destinies and Women of Marvel) will now usher in a new iteration of this team. Kate "Kitty" Pryde and Bishop are ready to rescue any and all mutants out there.
No longer assisting mutants fleeing from other nations or focused on protecting the Hellfire Trading Company's interests, Captain Pryde and her team are taking on a search and rescue role.
Their new task? To rescue mutants, no matter where, no matter how dangerous. With this new position, the team has also taken on a different composition, with Pryde recruiting a whole new group that fits their purpose.
Marvel launches old title with new Marauders
The new roster is composed of both familiar and obscure characters. First, there's Red Queen herself, Kate "Kitty" Pryde.
Under her are staples within mutant history, Bishop and Psylocke. Then we have Wolverine's son, Daken. Filling out the team are Aurora, a former member of Alpha Flight; Tempo, a founding member of a mutant terrorist organization; and Somnus, the newest character altogether.
Readers got to first see this iteration in The Marauders Annual #1, where Daken was rescued from the clutches of Brimstone Love, a villain who made their first appearance in X-Men 2099. This served as a good introduction to the team, showing what they're about and how they'll operate going forward.
Kitty Pryde, now calling herself Kate, went through a lot to earn the status she currently possesses. Formerly a member of the X-Men, she now works closely with Emma Frost and the Hellfire Trading Company (long story) as the Red Queen. Emma gave her a ship used to liberate mutants from hostile countries.
Marauders promises to give its readers an intriguing story and some good interpersonal relationships amongst its members. Fans need only look at the history between Somnus, a.k.a. Carl Valentino, and Daken.
While Carl is a new character introduced in Marvel Voices: Pride #1, the fictional history between these two spans decades and will undoubtedly play a role as the story progresses.

In the upcoming first issue, Captain Pryde feels that her team is not yet complete and goes against her better judgment to recruit one more member.
Is picking up one of the most infamous villains in mutant history the most brilliant move for her to make? Maybe not, but Cassandra Nova may be exactly what the team needs to solve a mystery spanning two billion years into the past.
Marauders #1, written by Steven Orlando and illustrated by Eleonora Carlini, with multiple variant covers, hits shelves Wednesday, April 6.