On hearing the word ’DC,' we always immediately think of the comic book publisher. However, in addition to DC comics, there’s another brand that is known by the same initials, which is DC shoes.
DC Shoes is a popular sneaker brand launched in 1994 by a professional skateboarder named Danny Way. The brand initially created high-quality skateboards that quickly drew the attention of professional skateboarders in a short time. Later, it also included skateboarding boots, terrain footwear, and casual shoes for kids and women. When DC gained control of the majority of the market, the brand's higher-ups decided to create an apparel category.
The brand's logo includes a D and C along with a star, making it quite similar to the logo of the DC comic book publisher. However, the two brand logos have nothing to do with each other.
It is not unusual for DC Comics and DC Shoes to put their logos on official items. However, word quickly went around the internet that the comic book publisher had to pay a hefty sum to the shoe company. As a result, it captivated the interest of every comic book and motivated them to dig deeper into the reason behind this. So if you are one of those, stay tuned and keep reading.
Exploring DC comics' lawsuit with DC Shoes
In 2005, DC comics launched a brand new blue and white logo that consisted of the alphabets D and C and a star. The comic book publisher not only used it in the comic books, but the logo was also used on all the properties owned by them, including shoes and apparel.
Later, the comic book publisher discovered a similar logo for a Californian shoe company, DC Shoes. The comic book company later sued the sneaker brand for using a similar logo.

While investigating, DC Shoes' lawyers discovered that the logo was never adequately trademarked by DC Comics, eventually losing the case. Later, DC Shoes' lawyers sued the comic book publisher for the same thing. However, they won the case because they had trademarked the logo already.
As a result, the comic book publisher had no choice but to pay a large sum of money to the DC Shoes. Then, in 2012, DC Comics got a new logo that they had used for several years.
Exploring the comic book publisher's lawsuit with Superman Snacks
In 2018, DC filed a case against Marxing, a food and beverage company that sold Superman-themed snacks. At the time, Marxing successfully won the case by proving that the registration for the trademark had been done already, and the renewal process was also being followed up whenever necessary. Also, when DC appealed at the Indonesian Super Court, they were told that the case made no sense.

Later in 2020, DC won the same case. This is because the Court found this time that DC is the exclusive owner of the renowned Superhero. Marxing was also notified that they would be required to withdraw the Superman-themed products or face the repercussions.