Shazam is one of the most powerful heroes in DCEU and the entire DC mythos in the comics. However, his story differs slightly when he jumps from the source material to live action. Most things remain the same as Billy Batson is a child who becomes the champion of the Wizard Shazam.
He proves to be worthy of all the powers that the Wizard bestows upon him. That being said, there’s one particular ability that he uses differently from his comic book counterpart, and that’s the wisdom of Solomon.
Throughout both parts of the films, Shazam! and Fury of the Gods, fans were confused as to why Billy didn't become an intellectual after his transformation. However, the sequel does manage to answer this question pretty well.
How Shazam’s wisdom is different

After the Wizard chooses Billy, he gets the following set of abilities upon saying the word “SHAZAM” out loud:
Wisdom of Solomon
Strength of Hercules
Stamina of Atlas
Power of Zeus
Courage of Achilles
Speed of Mercury
Together, the initials of these six Greek Gods form the name SHAZAM! While fans have seen Billy and his family use five of these powers on a regular basis, they aren't often shown using the “Wisdom of Solomon” well.
In fact, Fury of the Gods also addresses this matter as the family makes fun of Billy for seeking Mary’s advice on every matter. They even point out that Billy isn’t wise at all.
Fans are left wondering how Billy and everyone in the family are supposed to possess this wisdom even when they don't use it. In fact, Billy seems even goofier when he is in his Shazam form. Well, the Wizard does answer this question.

In many versions of Shazam, including the comics and Justice League Unlimited series, the Wisdom of Solomon plays out very differently than it does in DCEU.
In these iterations, the hero acts like a very mature and wise adult after transformation. He has the answers to most problems, but in DCEU, the wisdom he gets from Solomon is different. Billy doesn’t get the knowledge of the entire Universe. However, as the Wizard reveals, Solomon's wisdom exists in his heart.
In the heat of the moment, he always makes the right choice no matter what. His choices do have dire repercussions, but he knows what is the right thing to do. That wisdom comes from the traumatic experiences he has had in his life.
Billy’s use of Solomon’s Wisdom

So far, the two Shazam movies have revealed multiple instances where Billy has proven to be extremely smart. For instance, he knew that in order to fight the Seven Deadly Sins and stop Dr. Sivana, he had to share his powers with his family and create new champions.
Secondly, in Fury of the Gods, when both Mary and the Golden Apple were falling from the sky, Billy knew that saving his sister was the right choice. He made the choice even though it meant risking Kalypso getting her hands on the apple. After being abandoned by his mother, he knew that he couldn’t do the same to his sister.
He then revived Hespera, who had proved to be his greatest enemy so far, and showed her that the human world still deserved to live. He asked for her help in collapsing the dome on Kalypso.
He also came up with the plan to supercharge the Wizard’s staff by sacrificing himself to kill Kalypso in the dome. That’s how the Wisdom of Solomon works in the DCEU.
It exists in one’s heart and works during battle.
Fury of the Gods is currently playing in theaters.