The exciting narrative of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's (MCU) newest Disney+ series, Secret Invasion, proceeds into its second chapter. This eagerly awaited series marks the comeback of Nick Fury, the ex-chief of S.H.I.E.L.D., after a noticeable absence of four years.
Fury was last spotted aboard a Skrull spaceship, vacationing while Skrulls Talos and Soren impersonated him and Maria Hill back on Earth.
As Samuel L. Jackson reassumes his role as Fury, the new series takes us through his return to Earth to thwart a secretive plan by a Skrull faction intending to invade and conquer the planet. This spy thriller marks the initiation of Phase Five on Disney+ TV series.
Viewers can watch Secret Invasion, episode 2 on Disney+ 3:00 am ET (12:00 am PT) on Wednesday, June 28
The sophomore episode of the first season of Secret Invasion is set to premiere on Disney+ on Wednesday, June 28. The episode will be accessible on the Disney+ app on your smartphone or smart TV, releasing at 3 a.m. ET/midnight PT on June 28. International viewers can tune in at 8 a.m. BST or 9 a.m. CEST.
The Marvel series has been scheduled for a total of six episodes, with each new episode releasing every Wednesday until the series concludes in the last week of July. Here is the official schedule:
- Episode 1: June 21 – Already aired!
- Episode 2: June 28
- Episode 3: July 5
- Episode 4: July 12
- Episode 5: July 19
- Episode 6: July 26
Secret Invasion episode recap: Shocking revelations, deadly confrontations, and a devastating loss
In the previous episode of Secret Invasion, Ross got into an unexpected brawl with Prescod, who confronted him with evidence of a Skrull infiltration into Earth. Ross managed to escape despite being pursued by Talos but met a tragic end while trying to avoid his chaser.
Maria Hill found out that Ross was a Skrull double agent working for Gravik, who was scheming to incite a war between Russia and the United States. James Rhodes informed President Ritson about Fury's homecoming. However, Fury was abducted in Moscow and brought before Sonya Falsworth, who withheld information about the Skrull attacks.
In captivity, Fury discovered a hidden shelter for Skrull refugees led by G'iah. The episode revealed Gravik's plot to replace humans, including members of Americans Against Russia, for their strategy.
Ignoring his team's apprehensions, Fury targeted Gravik's bomb supplier Vasily Poprishchin in a bid to prevent war and protect the innocent Skrulls. Despite a tense confrontation leading to Fury eliminating a Skrull imposter and a detonation causing casualties, Gravik escaped, marking the death of Maria Hill.
Secret Invasion's premiere draws attention with 994,000 U.S. household viewership, fans anticipate the next episode
According to Samba TV, the series' premiere attracted 994,000 U.S. households within the first five days of release. This ranks the show as the second-lowest Disney+ MCU premiere in terms of viewership.
The viewership chart, topped by Tom Hiddleston's Loki season 1, is as follows:
- Loki - 2.5 million
- Moon Knight - 1.8 million
- The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - 1.8 million
- WandaVision - 1.6 million
- Hawkeye - 1.5 million
- She-Hulk - 1.5 million
- Secret Invasion - 994,000
- Ms. Marvel - 775,000
Despite this, the Nick Fury series continues to be a gripping addition to the MCU's expanding universe, with fans eagerly waiting to unravel the rest of the series.
Experience the captivating drama as Secret Invasion episode 2 premieres on Disney+ this Wednesday, June 28.