Titled Juggernaut, Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 12 of season 3 arrived on Disney+ on April 10, 2024. Juggernaut referred to a ten-wheeled assault tank, HAVw A6 Juggernaut, used to take away Admiral Rampart. The episode arrives after Omega's surrender in the previous episode. After Crosshair failed to plant the tracker on Omega, her location was lost. While Omega was taken to Tantiss, Clone Force 99 kept looking for options for getting to her.
For the newly indicted fans, Star Wars: The Bad Batch is a series that is positioned after The Clone Wars in the Star Wars timeline. After the Republic's fall and the Empire's establishment, the story follows the mutated clones and their sister Omega on their journey against Palpatine and his evil scientific team, led by Doctor Hemlock.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 12 — What was the Juggernaut used for?

The title of the episode, Juggernaut, refers to the tank used to abduct Admiral Rampart. The idea came from Crosshair after the team realized that they could not track Omega and get to Tantiss. Crosshair suggested getting information from Rampart as a last resort.
With Phee's help, they located Admiral Rampart in a labor camp in Erebus. They intercepted Rampart as he was being taken from the mine to the prison cell. The action sequence of the tank chase happened on the winding road of a canyon.
Rampart negotiated the situation to leverage being taken away from custody. While Hunter drove the HAVw A6 Juggernaut through the precipitous roads, Crosshair shot Rampart with a stun gun to make movements easy.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 12 - Rampart acted difficult

Admiral Rampart had asked to be taken away from the planet in return for the coordinates of Tantiss. The Batch went through a lot of trouble to get him out of Erebus.
On one side the Batch fought the Empire soldiers, while on the other, Phee arrived with her ship. The Batch jumped onto the ship along with the unconscious Rampart as the Juggernaut tank drove off a cliff.
However, after regaining consciousness, Rampart revealed he did not know the location or the coordinates of Tantiss. He further explained that the Empire planned to keep the place a secret. However, he might help the Batch in their endeavor if he could evade going back to the labor camp.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 12 - Hemlock took Omega to the Vault

Omega arrived at Tantiss where Emerie tested her blood for the experiment's necessary component. After ascertaining the same, Emerie handed Omega over to Hemlock who escorted her to the Vault. He also explained the significance of her blood. He disclosed how the binding agent in her blood could replicate the M-count in the other clones.
In the last scene of Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 12, in the Vault, Omega met the other children who were part of Project Necromancer. She realized why she and the other subjects were fit for the project.
What other snippets were conveyed in Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 12?
Phee was shown to trust Crosshair despite meeting him for the first time. After being abused to get Pabu's location in the previous episode, Phee was upset enough to get into action. As for Crosshair, she remembered how Tech had mentioned Crosshair's "sparkling personality" and she was ready to trust "any friend of Brown Eyes".
Another hint left out in Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 12 was Emerie's ambiguous role after episode 10. On one hand, she said she was glad Omega was safe, on the other she dutifully tested Omega's blood and reported to Hemlock. Moreover, she said she had to do as instructed, hinting at being afraid of facing adverse consequences. Whether she is buying time to turn into a rebel in the future remains to be seen.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 12 was more of a filler episode leading to the remaining three episodes of the final season. The Indiana Jones-like tank chase was the main action sequence of the episode.
While the interaction between Hemlock and Omega brought no new information for the viewers, Emerie's uncertain moves may be something to look out for. Additionally, Rampart may be another character to keep an eye on.
Catch the action on the next episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch on Disney+ on April 17, 2024. Meanwhile, episode 12 is streaming on the platform.