In the history of the Batman franchise, there have been some outstanding performances given by famous actors, including David Mazouz, Adam West, George Clooney, and many more.
However, not every live-action representation of the superhero was as accurate as DC comic books. These are the five live-action Batman versions who were faithful to the source material in one way or the other.
Note: The article represents the author's views.
Top 5 comic-accurate performances of the legendary superhero Batman
5) Val Kilmer

Val Kilmer portrayed the titular role in Batman Forever, released in 1995. Kilmer impressed the movie's director, Joel Schumacher, with his outstanding acting in Tombstone in 1993.
At the time, Michael Keaton already had the role of the caped crusader in the movie. However, he later decided not to return to the franchise's third movie, so the role was offered to Van Kilmer.
Although the movie received mixed reviews from the audience, it managed to become a blockbuster film. Val Kilmer's version appears to be less dark compared to others.
As DC comic book fans already know, Batman comics are incredibly dark and gritty, but there's also a humorous side of the character. Val Kilmer explored that side of the character, and he also appeared to be more heroic. The film is also remembered for its villains besides Kilmer's primary role.
4) Ben Affleck

Even though Ben Affleck didn't appear in a solo movie, he did a decent job and successfully won the fans' hearts in Justice League and Superman vs. Batman.
What makes Batflek a comic-accurate performance is the cape crusader's overall appearance, which is precisely the same as that of the comic book. Moreover, his version of Batman is aged and darker, as mentioned in the comic books.
Interestingly, Ben Affleck's version of the character is regarded as the most accurate version of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. Everything was on point, from the Bat-suit to Ben Affleck's appearance when you compare it to the original material.
3) Michael Keaton

Michael Keaton's Batman is considered the classic even after so many years. However, the casting has been doubted by the audience.
The actor was seen in two movies that received positive responses from critics and audiences. Before Nolan came up with the Dark Knight Trilogy, the caped crusader, directed by Tim Burton, was considered the best movie of the iconic superhero of DC.
Of course, the only downside of the movie was the overall representation of Bruce Wayne. Despite this, Michael Keaton's version did a great job portraying the hero's isolation as described in the comic books.
Batman is a stubborn character who doesn't easily trust anyone in comic books. The loneliness and obsessive behavior of the character were what Keaton went for, making it a legendary portrayal of the DC character.
2) Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson is the latest version of Batman in the DC universe. Directed by Matt Reeves, the movie premiered worldwide in March 2022, and for several fans, it instantly became one of the best movies ever made.
Of course, every other version mentioned in the list were good in their own right. However, Robert Pattinson's performance stood out for showcasing the character's detective skills. The iconic superhero is known for his smartness in comic books, especially when getting out of challenging situations with his detective skills.
Sadly, no version of live-action adaptation had explored that side of the character before, before Matt Reeves changed that with Robert's version, and the actor did a phenomenal job at bringing the character to life.
1) Christian Bale

Christian Bale is one of the most popular and comic-book accurate versions of the superhero. Of course, it was the brilliant vision of Christopher Nolan that brought the character to life, but it's also true that Bale did a marvelous job as Batman.
In the DC comics, Bruce became the caped crusader and stood against powerful enemies because of his gadgets. Obviously, he was a great fighter, but his futuristic tech made him a powerful superhero.
Christian Bale excelled over any other version because of his gadgets. The Dark Knight trilogy gave us the most realistic Batmobile and Jett. Apart from that, Bale's caped crusader flaunts many other impressive techs that make him an excellent live-action representation of the iconic superhero from comic books.