We all know about the tragedy that shaped Batman. The 10-year-old kid saw his parents get shot in front of his eyes, orphaned in an instant. Although Batman is an orphan, that doesn’t stop him from making his own family. In fact, with a long history of 82 years, Batman has the biggest, most loving, and sometimes dysfunctional yet awesome family.
Although Bat-Family may seem different in the first instance, they aren’t very different from an average family. A normal family eats together, Bat-Family trains together. A typical family goes camping, and a Bat-Family goes crime-fighting.
Many DC Comic characters have been a part of the Bat-Family. Some fought each other, others left, a few died and came back to life, but they have all been there for each other.
Ranking top 5 members of the Batman family
The extended Batman family consists of more than 30 members, and in this list, we will look at the top 5 DC characters who contributed the most.
5) Damian Wayne

Damian Wayne is the only member of the Bat fam who is directly related to Bruce Wayne. The son of Caped Crusader and supervillain Talia-al-Ghul, Damian enjoys the best of both worlds. Arrogant and brooding like his father, Damian has proved to be a crucial member of the Bat-Family. Damian Wayne became the 5th Robin and shared a close bond with Dick Grayson.
4) Barbara Gordan

The daughter of Commissioner James Gordon, Barbara went on to helm the mantle of Batgirl. She is an extremely proficient detective and has aided the Dark Knight in crimes that were deemed unsolvable.
Batgirl briefly dated Dick Grayson and watched over the Bat fam like an elder sister. Even after she was paralyzed waist down by the Joker in The Killing Joke, Barbara served the vigilante team as Oracle, the woman in the chair.
3) Jason Todd

Jason Todd, just like the middle child of any family, is cranky, has mood swings, and is weird. The second Robin of the Bat fam, Jason served as Batman’s sidekick for a long time.
Jason was killed by the Joker in the famous Batman: A Death in the Family, which drastically affected Batman. However, he was resurrected in Batman: Under The Red Hood with a twist that went down in the history of comic book storytelling.
2) Alfred Pennyworth

While others break bones, Alfred heals them. The oldest member of the Wayne family, Alfred Pennyworth, is the Bat fam’s butler, chef, doctor, chauffeur, and teacher, but most importantly, he is their wise old mentor.
Whenever members of the Wayne family find themselves in a broken body, heart, or mind, Alfred mends back to their best shape.
1) Dick Grayson

Dick Grayson, the eldest son of Bruce Wayne (adopted, of course), is the most important member of the Bat-Family. Here are the reasons: He was the first Robin, a master acrobat, and has fighting skills second only to the Dark Knight, he was the leader of the Teen Titans, he donned the cowl and acted as the head of the Wayne family when the Dark Knight was down. Do we need to say more?
But the reason why Grayson deserves the number one spot is because he is the loving older brother that we all need. He will train you, guide you, listen to you, play with you, and can be your best friend.
Note: The list is subjective and reflects the writer's own views.