Since the golden age, superhero couples have always been a staple for any comic. They add a little bit of softness and spice to the action-filled rollercoasters, and balance the genres in the comics.
The superhero world encompasses a vast array of storylines and characters that have various skills. Everyone has their own set of tastes and interests, and sometimes superheroes make excellent partners.
Top 5 superhero couples that took the term power-couple to the next level
5) Batman and Catwoman

One of the fan-favorite pairs, Catwoman and Batman’s relationship grew over decades. It’s quite an ironic pairing, as Batman does not take well with anti-justice actions, and Catwoman is as carefree as possible. She walks on the wrong side of everything and tryies any way to make Batman do the same.
They have never been married to each other, or had children in the original DC universe. However, they’ve had the said events happen to them in an alternative DC Omniverse, notably on Earth-2, where their daughter Helena Wayne grew up to become the Huntress.
In the main DC Universe, the closest they've been to getting married was back in 2018, in Batman: The Wedding, where Batman proposed to Catwoman, who accepted. Invitations were sent out, and a wedding gown was picked, but Selina eventually abandoned him at the altar - and left town entirely.
4) Superman and Wonder Woman

Even though Superman Reborn wiped it out of continuity, the romantic connection between Superman and Wonder Woman is perhaps one of the most significant events in the current DC Universe. For a while, they were one of the most noteworthy superhero couples of all time.
Ever since they began appearing together in comics, fans have been theorizing their union. In Kingdom Come, Mark Waid and Alex Ross teased their readers by even having the pair raise a child.
3) Scarlet Witch and Vision

For many years, Vision and Scarlet Witch were prominent parts of the Avengers. They even appeared in their own miniseries in 1980s titled The Vision and The Scarlet Witch.
Though it's strange that an artificial intelligence and a rather naive teenage mutant might fall in love, Wanda's ability to get past Vision's icy demeanor and see the emotional, loving man concealed under his robotic shell is what leads to their marriage.
Later, the superhero couple moved away from the Avengers and even raised twin twins who were created by Wanda's supernatural powers. Unfortunately, their romance ended tragically, as Vision was mindwiped and lost his individuality. It was discovered that their kids were really shards of the demon Mephisto's soul.
2) Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman

Marvel's Fantastic Four is all about family, and at the core of that family are Reed and Sue Richards, also known as Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman.
They had a problematic relationship from the start, owing primarily to Sue's attraction to anybody who despises Reed Richards and Reed's attraction to science. However, there's one thing they had going for them that very few superhero couples did: they made it work.
They stuck together through thick and thin, even while they were on opposing sides in Civil War. They even established a family and thrived as a pair.
It's easy to wonder how they've kept their love alive - Reed tends to be emotionally distant, while Sue is frequently portrayed as ditsy and interested in Reed's adversaries. The fact, however, is as simple as love can be, they always make it work in the end.
1) Midnighter and Apollo

Despite a corporate buyout and many line-wide reboots, Midnighter and Apollo are a superhero couple that cannot remain apart. Lucas Trent and Andrew Pulaski have progressed from being seen as Batman and Superman duplicates to being the most leading same-sex superhero couples in comics.
The Midnighter/Apollo combo debuted in Stormwatch #4: A Finer World in 1998 and went on to become a vital element of the game-changing squad The Authority, and eventually got married.
After DC's buyout, the pair outlived their team and nearly all of their Wildstorm colleagues by appearing together in Midnighter and Apollo.