In DC Comics, there are several superheroes and supervillains who possess immense supernatural and alien powers. Also, there’s a long list of characters who feature an interesting or dark origin story.
These characters come from all over the universe and feature unique powers. And, of course, each character is strong if the conditions are in their favor.
However, there are a few characters who possess the power to destroy the entire universe. So, it’s normal for fans to wonder who these strongest DC characters are.
5 most powerful characters in DC Comics
5) Orion
Orion is Darksied's second son, who made his first appearance in 1971 in New Gods #1. He possesses all the darkness of his father and is capable enough to knock out Superman.
Holding on to several superhuman powers such as high speed, strength, durability, and stamina, he is considered one of the new Gods. Interestingly, Orion is powerful enough to stand against his own father, Darkseid.

In one instance, Orion defeated Darkseid in a fight, but it was later revealed that Darkseid lost the fight intentionally. Nevertheless, it’s hard to deny that Orion is still one of the strongest characters in DC.
4) Shazam
Undoubtedly, Shazam is one of the most powerful characters in DC. Billy Batson, an orphan who spent his teenage years in foster homes, was approached by a wizard. Apparently, Doctor Sivana, who was hungry to get Shazam’s powers, frees Black Adam. At the same time, the wizard chose Billy Batson as his Champion.

All of a sudden, Batson gets some spectacular powers from the Gods, with a responsibility to save Earth from Black Adam and other alien threats.
3) Wonder Woman
DC’s Wonder Woman is one of the most prominent superhero characters in the comic book universe. Of course, being the biological daughter of Zeus, Wonder Woman possesses immense physical strength.

However, what makes Princess Diana really powerful is her sheer will to do the right thing. In DC comics, movies, and TV shows, Wonder Woman plays a vital role in Justice League. Interestingly, she is the glue that holds the group together in difficult situations.
2) Darkseid
Darkseid is one of the most powerful superhero villains ever created. The alien being is powerful enough to take on a superhero without any additional help. In fact, there were several instances where it took a lot of struggle for all members of the Justice League to defeat Darkseid.

Besides his incredible power, Darkseid’s evil goal is another factor that makes him a strong character in DC. Apparently, Darkseid wants to get his hands on the Anti-life equation and use it to shape the world according to his liking.
1) Superman
Clark Kent or Superman is undoubtedly the most powerful character in DC. The Kryptonian defies gravity by flying at lightning speed and possesses the physical strength to lift mountains.

So, it’s no wonder that several other superheroes, including Batman, have considered Superman a threat for a long time. The only thing that could defeat Superman is kryptonite, or another being from his planet.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.