Venom 3, the third installment of the Tom Hardy-led franchise as part of Sony's Spider-Man Universe, has reportedly received a release window. According to a new report from Variety, the upcoming film will see a release sometime in October 2024 and will be directed by Kelly Marcel, who will co-write the film's script with Hardy.
This update from Variety comes shortly after Ted Lasso actress Juno Temple, who is set to join the franchise in an undisclosed role, revealed to the outlet that filming would begin "very soon."
Hardy's Eddie Brock/Venom was last seen in the 2021 winter blockbuster and MCU film Spider-Man: No Way Home. He appeared in the film's mid-credits scene talking to a bartender about the various MCU heroes and Thanos, only to be transported back to his own universe, but not before leaving a piece of his symbiote behind.
Aside from Juno Temple, Venom 3 will also see Chiwetel Ejiofor from the MCU's Doctor Strange films appear in the film in an undisclosed role.
According to a plot leak, Venom 3 will see Eddie Brock and his symbiote companion befriend a young Peter Parker
As for the plot of Venom 3, it is currently unknown. However, if Reddit user and leaker u/Winter_Plankton8866's words are to be believed (posted the leak on Reddit's 4chan page), the film will revolve around the relationship between Tom Hardy's Eddie Brock and a 10-year-old Peter Parker. However, fans must take the leaks with a grain of salt.
In addition, the leaker reveals that the upcoming Venom threequel will have narrative connections to the upcoming Madame Web film. According to a plot leak from 4chan, Madame Web will see Dakota Johnson's titular hero team up with Sydney Sweeney's Julia Carpenter, Isabel Merced's Anya Corazon, and Celeste O'Connor's Mattie Franklin in the year 2000 to protect an infant Peter and his mother, Mary, from a multiversal villain, Ezekiel Sims.
Venom 3 will be set in the present day following the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home. Here, Eddie and Venom will learn through their multiversal hive mind that Peter, who is yet to become Spider-Man in their universe, will kill them in the future. This will prompt Venom to coerce Eddie to find and kill Peter, which Eddie will be reluctant about.
Moreover, according to u/Winter_Plankton8866, there will be a scene in the film where Eddie exposes Peter to some spiders, with one of them even biting him. However, instead of receiving powers, Peter will fall ill and Eddie will take him to the hospital. At this point, Venom will eventually realize that the boy is innocent and not harmful like he had initially thought and the trio will soon form a bond.
However, Detective Patrick Mulligan, who had become the symbiote Toxin as teased in the ending of Venom: Let There Be Carnage, will go insane and begin plotting to destroy all monsters and symbiotes, including Venom. Toxin will also target Peter, even though he does not possess any symbiote. Thus, the rest of Venom 3 will then be about Eddie trying to protect Peter from Toxin's wrath.
Aside from this plot leak, not much else is known about Venom 3. Once Juno Temple and Chiwetel Ejiofor's roles are officially revealed by Sony, fans may get an idea of what plot points to expect from the threequel.
The first Venom film is currently streaming on Disney+, while Venom: Let There Be Carnage can be streamed on Netflix. Fans of the character can also catch the character in the upcoming Spider-Man 2 game by Insomniac Games, which will hit retail and digital stores on October 20, 2023.