The upcoming Hulu historical drama television series We Were the Lucky Ones revolves around the Kurc family as the Holocaust separates them. Based on the New York Times bestselling novel by Georgia Hunter, the limited series casts Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Amit Rahav, Logan Lerman, and Joey King as the siblings, while Lior Ashkenazi and Robin Weigert play the parents, Sol and Nechuma Kurc.
The trailer, released on February 9, 2024, showcases the Kurc family, who owned a successful business in Radom, Poland, before World War II. The family of six is thrown apart in various corners of the continent, and the show takes viewers through the pre- and post-war periods.
The official synopsis of the show reads,
"A Jewish family separated at the start of World War II is determined to survive and reunite."
We Were the Lucky Ones premieres on Hulu with the first three episodes on March 28, 2024.
How many episodes are there in We Were the Lucky Ones?
Hulu will release eight episodes of We Were the Lucky Ones upon its release on March 28, 2024. The first three episodes will be released on the day of release, and the rest will follow every subsequent week.
The first three episodes, titled Radom, Lvov, and Siberia, written by Erica Lipez and Adam Milch, will be released immediately.
Is We Were the Lucky Ones based on a true story?
We Were the Lucky Ones is based on the real-life story of Georgia Hunter's family, the Kurc family. The majority of the book by Hunter is set in Poland in the year 1939 and follows the story of a Polish Jewish family during the World War II era. The Kurc family ran a successful family business and led their lives surrounded by art and literature in the town of Radom.
The story begins in 1938, when the family gathers for Passover but is shown to be unfettered by the Holocaust. However, as the Nazi invasion of Poland marks the beginning of the World War, the Kurc family is thrown apart, leaving each to fend for themselves till they reunite at the end of it all.
According to Collider, Hunter researched events in her family history to write the book and took advantage of her creative license to fill in the gaps. However, the events have been based on true incidents. The character played by Logan Lerman, Eddy Courts, happened to be Hunter's grandfather.
Who is in the cast of We Were the Lucky Ones?
The limited series has been created by Erica Lipez (The Morning Show), wherein she serves as the director and the writer as well. Lipez executive produces the show with Adam Milch, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Jennifer Todd. The episodes are directed by Thomas Kail (Hamilton).
The show casts the following talents.
- Joey King as Halina Kurc
- Logan Lerman as Addy Kurc
- Henry Lloyd-Hughes as Genec Kurc
- Amit Rahav as Jakub Kurc
- Hadas Yaron as Mila Kurc
- Sam Woolf as Adam
- Moran Rosenblatt as Herta
- Eva Feiler as Bella
- Lior Ashkenazi as Sol Kurc
- Robin Weigert as Nechuma Kurc
- Ido Samuel as Isaac
- Michael Aloni as Selim
The Hulu series strives to keep the legacy of the Kurc family alive with its live-action adaptation with a stellar cast.
We Were The Lucky Ones premieres on March 28, 2024, on Hulu.